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Questions related to Reasoning
When I ran qPCR on my samples, some of them returned N/A results (I replicated it twice, and the replicated sample returned Cq value results), so I decided to run qPCR on the same samples again....
19 December 2023 365 3 View
Certain theorists such as Smolin have take this seriously. Although it is an officisl "problem definition statement" in many graduates school programs, I think it would be useful to clarify the...
18 December 2023 6,937 3 View
what does it mean for SAGE SSCI awaiting reviewer assignment after I submitted my revised verision
18 December 2023 8,388 4 View
Two stronger arguments for black holes existence are ** detection of radiation from a acreation discs, indadescent ratiation emitting material, that matches theory ** radiation in 3021from a...
16 December 2023 3,232 2 View
Why do credit bureaus intentionally spread false information to banks and financial institutions if you are a senior citizen, a disabled person, an immigrant, or predominantly a Muslim...
16 December 2023 9,898 0 View
Video clips on any relevant physiological areas of the vocal tract or areas involved in respiration, any software in which a student could "assemble" a virtual layrnx, or other anatomical...
15 December 2023 9,728 1 View
According to the Kit instruction, I'm using 10 to the power 6 cells (platelets). But the no. of events while recording the reading doesn't even cross 10. Kindly suggest me a solution...
15 December 2023 9,242 3 View
In general, the slump flow reduced with the increase in molarity of sodium hydroxide solution but I got opposite trend. I am not able to find the appropriate reason for increase in slump flow with...
14 December 2023 2,793 3 View
make a case study using In Ambisyon Natin2040, the document that embodies the collective long-term vision and aspiration of Filipinos both for themselves and their country, the Philippines...
13 December 2023 1,597 0 View
What is the 7 C's of resilience and what factor helps ecosystems be more resistant and resilient to change?
12 December 2023 7,313 0 View
I am currently working on yeast cells for melatonin production which requires me to quantify melatonin easily and economically. I was hoping that anyone could provide me with an optimized protocol.
10 December 2023 7,023 1 View
Your rigid system did not allow me to formulate my complete question: Why are vascular catastrophes more frequent among table tennis players, than chess or football players? I am not a...
10 December 2023 6,331 0 View
09 December 2023 8,458 3 View
I am working at the plant immunity lab and I am working on two isolates of Botrytis cinerea. The media I used was 4% agar and PDA and incubate them in 24 hr light and one isolate growed well but...
09 December 2023 7,375 5 View
I spin-coated chitosan solution on a glass substrate using the spin-coating method for 2 steps (10 seconds with 500 RPM and 30 seconds with 1000 RPM). However, after my third coating, I faced some...
07 December 2023 2,736 2 View
Winter's Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 7th Edition
05 December 2023 648 0 View
The attached file shows that the results contain different isotherms and colors indicating different temperatures, but on the scale all colors indicate the same temperature value. What could be...
05 December 2023 9,961 1 View
Like bar graph, box plot, scatter plot etc. and attractive data visualization for various qualitative traits ?
04 December 2023 2,855 4 View
I have Sequencing Analysis Software version 5.2 for ABI-3730/3130 data. We also have sequencing data files from SeqStudio machine but unable to import and analyze in available Sequencing Analysis...
03 December 2023 835 0 View
I am trying to understand how the spin of particles contribute to the total energy of a system, say of two particles. As well as how virtual particles that pop in and out of the system contribute...
02 December 2023 3,873 1 View
Why electric field lines are perpendicular to electric field and orientation of electric and magnetic waves in electromagnetic waves?
01 December 2023 8,777 4 View
I have slides stained by mercuric Bromophenol stain, and I want to use imageJ to measure its intensity? How can I do that. Besides what's the difference between H&E and H&E2 in imageJ?
01 December 2023 5,821 3 View
If we want to laser metal or ceramic powder on a coating substrate, without having a powder injection source, how should we do this? That is, how to stick the powder on the substrate and then...
30 November 2023 417 3 View
29 November 2023 8,589 4 View