Assessment of psychological variables by the application of mathematical procedures. | Contact experts in Psychometrics to get answers
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Questions related to Psychometrics
Hello! Is someone aware of if exist a Spanish version of the Motivations for Play in Online item inventory created by Yee (2006)? I found a French version, but not a Spanish one. Yee, N. (2006)....
27 March 2020 2,126 3 View
I intend to investigate the psychometric properties of a SAT with a 3PLM of the IRT. The total population of my study is 16,328 and, I was told that Krayjcie and Morgan cannot be used as a...
12 March 2020 2,507 6 View
I am searching for the psychometric properties of the 12 item Hardiness Scale developed by Kobasa in her research that measures hardiness, covering the important dimensions of hardiness as...
09 March 2020 1,195 3 View
I have a randomized controlled trial research project. Eight training sessions were held for adolescents. I have a pre-test, post-test and follow up test after 30 days. I have two dependent...
06 March 2020 8,931 9 View
The psychometric or tests should cover the interculturalknowledge attitudes and skills that early- years educators possess and engage during their daily practice, especially when it comes to...
27 February 2020 3,912 2 View
I want to do a systematic review on common measurement tool (psychometric instrument) of a specific neuropsychiatric disorder and I need to critically appraise or assess risk of bias for each...
14 February 2020 1,355 3 View
I am using Job demands & control model in my thesis, and I want to use JCQ 2 questionnaire, but i cant find the psychometric characteristics
09 February 2020 2,385 3 View
There are a plethora of psychometric tests. Among the most popular are the Disc and the Hogan. There are untold additional, including the colour test, forget the name. I find that most...
04 February 2020 9,421 3 View
I have never done this before. So far I have collected scales for different factors after detailed research. I plan on taking items from them and maybe restructuring them to make a proper...
01 February 2020 10,091 2 View
I'm looking for advice from folks familiar with the research on overclaiming, social desirability or lying, or general measurement expertise, on ways of administering or scoring the overclaiming...
30 January 2020 7,680 4 View
If I understood correctly, there are some ways to test if a scale is an "interval type," such as Rasch analysis. However, it is not clear to me on what basis this distinction is made. (e.g. Is the...
30 January 2020 5,199 6 View
Good morning I am a Stata newbie and am trying to clean the data set of a survey which I recently conducted using LimeSurvey. One of the questions involved a 19 part psychometric test (Basic...
18 January 2020 2,509 8 View
Is its factor structure congruent with that proposed by its author(s) or could be regarded as questionable?
16 January 2020 4,490 3 View
Is it acceptable to use a table to convert scaled scores to percentile ranges? I am writing reports for medics and have scores from a range of different neuropsych tests. Some of the tests provide...
23 December 2019 3,170 5 View
In my work I would like to study the effect of item format on psychometric characteristics of the items in reading comprehension assesment. At the moment, feedback concerning the theme of my...
16 December 2019 9,324 3 View
Leadership style was measure developed by Northouse
13 December 2019 3,390 2 View
I would be thankful if someone could give me a short breakdown on how to test unidimensionality of polytomous data (likert-scale) using IRT-models in R. As it is my understanding that the...
23 November 2019 7,024 7 View
Hello, I am looking for a valid and standardised test to measure self-efficacy of female athletes for my doctoral thesis. Any suggestions? Thank you
15 November 2019 941 3 View
I am working on developing a questionnaire on attitude towards physical education. As i was doing some reviews i found out that there are some existing questionnaires which is following the latest...
15 November 2019 3,556 6 View
I need the entire set of questions from Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire consisting of Novelty Seeking (34), Harm Avoidance (34) and Reward Dependence (30).
13 November 2019 5,206 3 View
Hi all, For example (just an example), it will be a huge waste of time and money if a Ph.D candidate in physics at MIT becomes bored with academia or is scared away and withdraws. Then how can we...
08 November 2019 932 3 View
In psycholinguistic norming studies 15-20 raters per word per scale are somehow rule of the thumb. However, I cannot find the psychometric explanation or justification for this, although. Does...
28 October 2019 8,833 3 View
Good morning, I have a master student currently doing some research on the relationship between social media use and depression among college students. Can anyone recommend social media use...
19 September 2019 6,453 4 View
Does anyone know if there exist a psychometric scale that measures the personal shallowness/superficiality of an individual when evaluating other's individual traits (age, race, gender,...
12 September 2019 2,709 3 View