Assessment of psychological variables by the application of mathematical procedures. | Contact experts in Psychometrics to get answers
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Questions related to Psychometrics
Hi everyone, The Visual Perspective Taking task requires the participants to figure out which item on the shelf the "director" was referring to. Someone asked me about the psychometric properties...
18 June 2018 8,426 2 View
My colleagues and I have delivered a 4-wave survey (day 1, day 30, day 60, day 90), which makes use of multiple psychometric measures. We have the complete data for each survey collected, but also...
05 June 2018 8,926 5 View
We are working in emotional recognition of pre-symptomatic patients with Huntington's disease. We have read about the Bell Lysaker Emotion Recognition Task (BLERT) and its strong psychometric...
27 May 2018 8,751 2 View
What is the best method to establish psychometric properties for a questionnaire based on a 3 point rating scale? Is it possible to use Exploratory Factor Analysis to reduce the items in the form...
24 May 2018 4,974 10 View
My study is on Research Literacy (RL). My first objective is to develop respondents' literacy profiling based on demographic variables (gender, level of study, study mode) and my second...
20 April 2018 6,234 7 View
I can only find psychometrics examination of the CDI (the previous edition). I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can share a good study looking at the psychometrics properties of the child's...
09 April 2018 1,826 3 View
Recently I've been reviewing how to handle social desirability in testing. After much theoretical review I have come to the conclusion that the best way to do this is to neutralize the items from...
28 February 2018 8,861 8 View
Is there any possible way? I understand that if the options point to the same trait, it can be done. for example a question of the type: I work better: (a) individually (b) with other...
12 February 2018 9,758 8 View
Suppose you are creating a questionnaire which consists of five separate scales,k which have each been found to demonstrate good psychometric properties. One of these scales is scored on a 9-point...
07 February 2018 8,327 6 View
I´ve been working on common psychometric tests. In other words, the traits to be measured are selected, some key behaviors are selected and subjects must respond on an likert scale. Subsequent to...
05 February 2018 2,549 8 View
What test is appropriate to use and why? If you want to see the relationship between the dvs and ivs and whether your dvs are influenced by the ivs? Can you combined your IVs? or you need to do...
01 February 2018 4,365 3 View
Dear All I hope you all are keeping well. I request your input to answer the following questions but with References/Literature Support Why is it important to report Psychometric Properties of...
03 January 2018 7,918 5 View
How do you determine correlation (corrected for overlap) in psychometric correlation analysis in SPSS?
12 November 2017 1,674 5 View
Dear Colleagues, I am looking for the Malay version of the RSES, preferably the one Prof. Viren Swami (2011) studied in his chapter: Further Examination of the Psychometric Properties of a Malay...
07 November 2017 6,635 2 View
Hi everyone, I am searching for short (20-30 items or less) and self-reported questionnaires assessing psychopathy with good psychometric properties. I need also some cut-off scores that can give...
11 October 2017 8,057 4 View
Any difference between outcome, output and result?
10 October 2017 5,430 9 View
How can we ensure that examinations are valid and reliable? Will training of the staff on writing examination questions on its own provide that evidence? Are validity and reliability measurements...
10 October 2017 2,417 4 View
03 October 2017 792 10 View
There has been a recent outrage in India regarding murder of a 7-year old child in a reputed school of Delhi-NCR region. School bus conductor was held guilty for the murder as he has confessed...
09 September 2017 5,181 5 View
I am looking for a psychometric test which can demonstrate any changes in someone's fear of emotions over time. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
30 August 2017 8,802 2 View
I would like to find one measure for average response time while accounting for accuracy. The test consisted of reading sentences (reading time) which the subjects were then asked to interpret by...
13 August 2017 6,314 6 View
08 August 2017 10,015 6 View
Which scale should be used in PLS-SEM?
08 August 2017 8,737 6 View
I am looking for an author to write a chapter on psychometrics and scale development. It is for an edited book on contemporary approaches to consumer psychology. Please contact me if you are...
08 August 2017 1,842 6 View