Ferroelectric measurements can be made on ferroelectric tester and keithly (8512 A) electrometer. Besides, Impedance Spectroscopy is a powerful tool for measuring dielectric, electrical properties . It provides useful information for the investigation of Ferroelectric Systems.
The Precision Premier II, Radiant’s most advanced tester, has the largest envelope in terms of frequency response, voltage range, and accuracy of any ferroelectric tester in the world
All the instruments suggested are useful. For dielectric, piezoelectric measurements and complex plane analysis Hioki hiTester (3532) low frequency impedance analyser is very useful and cost wise it is cheaper and affordable for small laboratory.
we are a company in the USA with all the test instruments you are asking. The instruments are designed and produced in State College, Pennsylvania and they are much cheaper than other companies. We also have used Trek amplifier with low price ($2,500 for 10 kV/10 mA)