I'm conducting analysis of bird counts for my Master's thesis on effects of patch size and connectivity on birds of High Andean landscapes. My first goal is to use ordination analysis to figure out which bird species are associated to each of the different kinds of habitat (forest, transitional and open matrix). I have lots of environmental/spatial variables recorded, but I decided to begin with an unconstrained ordination, just labeling the sites with different colours according to habitat and checking which sites and which species seem to group together.

My data is not very good (for many reasons, one of them just not having had enough time in the field) but I'm trying to salvage it the best I can. I've ran a CA and a DCA on my species matrix, using vegan package in R, and the procrustes function shows me large (and quite chaotic) differences between the plots from one method and the other. Is this telling me that arch effects or compression of extreme scores is happening with the CA, and so I should opt for the DCA? Or is it just because the CA explains very little variation in the data (the first two axis amount to around 18% of total inertia), so sites and species will just float around with no real meaning when I do the DCA?

A little extra question - would it help me to get more variation explained if I remove from my dataset some of the rarest species or some of the ones that move around the most between the CA and the DCA?

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