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Questions related to Neural Networks
What is relationship between standard error and probability value? What should be value of standard error if probability value is small (significant)? In two factor agricultural experiment: 1....
30 July 2023 1,578 2 View
As it was already known and can still be seen in literature that if R is a ring , then A clean element x of R is an element that can be written as a sum of an idempotent and a unit of R. A ring R...
29 July 2023 2,731 0 View
Dear colleagues, could you answer some questions in the following questionnaire, please? https://forms.gle/N6Dtr8xyx6qfAKsu6
28 July 2023 2,638 2 View
I want to upload my research paper on Arxiv eess.AS (Audio and Speech Processing), however I need endorsement for this category even with my university email. I would appreciate it if someone can...
21 July 2023 3,450 0 View
I am conducting k-means clustering analysis. My clusters separate very well. Anova, effect size and discriminant analysis results also support this separation. But I can't get efficient results...
20 July 2023 4,767 3 View
I am trying to simulate battery thermal runaway due to mechanical abuse in ANSYS fluent, but I am getting this in console: "ida solver failed when calling echem submodel in a normal call:...
19 July 2023 8,770 2 View
I'd appreciate advice about acoustic recorders for learning about bird diversity. Which song meter model would be the best to leave in a dense forest for weeks or months? Thank you in advance
18 July 2023 8,061 0 View
What is the difference between DTFS and DFT? DTFS-Discrete Time Fourier Series DTFT-Discrete Time Fourier Transform DFT-Discrete Fourier Transform
16 July 2023 438 1 View
Dear all I want to know, is there any software/website that can predict IR spectra of unknown compound? Please tell, if anyone know about it.
15 July 2023 2,295 4 View
Hi, I am studying the Ca2+ response on hCMEC/D3 cells and have been adding my drug of interest with a pipette (at the speed of about 50-100uL/sec). However this addition is not in control and I...
11 July 2023 7,393 0 View
My Dear I have a series as y (40 values from sales) and need to use neural networks in a matlab symlink to forecast the future values of y as in times(41,42,43,......50)
07 July 2023 1,178 2 View
Is it possible to run process macro for moderation analysis with all dichotomous variables? X -> 0,1 Y -> 0,1 M -> 0,1 or 1,2,3,4 or continuous (all possible) please save me
26 June 2023 2,018 5 View
Please provide some insights on it. When calculating Rmsd from PyMol it shows "atomic alignment failed (mismatched identifiers?)". How to solve this?
21 June 2023 994 3 View
Want to design a protocol to avoid painful and stressful ip injections in mice. Further, compare neurochemical, behavioral, and neurogenic results between i.p. and oral admin to allow validation...
20 June 2023 2,655 0 View
l need to publish my book in Springer or iop-Scopus
19 June 2023 1,179 0 View
Which part of India has hot summer and very cold winter and why is the seasonal temperature range less in the coastal region than it is in the interior of the continent?
11 June 2023 1,963 1 View
I need to represent some data for kinome. Has anyone used python for kinome tre representation? Can someone lead me to an open-source resource for kinome tree generation?
08 June 2023 803 1 View
Dear All, I am currently looking for a plasmid (or paper using a plasmid) of oxytocin to transfect it to cell lines. On Addgene, I only found viral plasmids and if I can avoid that, that would...
06 June 2023 8,632 0 View
I need to find main directions of wind flow in a city. Data of DEM and DSM are available. I am looking for a simple method to find the main directions of wind flow in a city to calculate air...
30 May 2023 651 1 View
I have tried many different metal stacks (using literature survey) to form the ohmic contacts on C-face 4H-SiC single crystalline substrates. Even, rapid thermal annealing has been done after...
25 May 2023 1,813 0 View
I'm trying to find out the size and unit of the some lung tissues for microscope. But they only have y-axis with numbers but no unit. May I ask what kind of unit it could be? Thanks!
12 May 2023 8,932 2 View
Hi, I was trying to calculate the boundary layer height of different ecosystems, such as forests and grasslands. Apart from the Lidar measurement, is there other calculation algorithms to...
08 May 2023 9,660 2 View
STL Decomposition
08 May 2023 6,183 3 View
Dear All, I'm doing research at Gadjah Mada University, Indoensia. I have to analyze parameter that support for estimating effort in agile / scrum project and develop a model using machine...
03 May 2023 3,685 1 View