What is relationship between standard error and probability value? What should be value of standard error if probability value is small (significant)?

In two factor agricultural experiment:

1. The standard error value of Factor-A (Irrigation) is 7 or higher and P-value is small i.e 0.0000

2. The standard error value of Factor-B (Weed control practices) is small i.e 0.0127 and P-value is small i.e 0.0000

3. The standard error value of interaction Factor-A x Factor-B is also small i.e 0.0219 and P-value is small i.e 0.0068

The reviewer has asked question:

The P values are surprisingly small when you look at the SE. Any explanations?

The answer with suggesting solution is needed

With thanks and sincere regards

Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro

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