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Questions related to Nanostructured Materials
Nano-wire or Nano-pillars synthesis using AAO (anode disk) template.
02 February 2014 2,589 7 View
The bombardment of the surface of III-V semiconductors lead to the formation of nanostructures on their surfaces Experimentally, at low energy (300 eV) one can obtain nanodots on InSb, InP or...
02 February 2014 5,192 3 View
I had tried to generate nano-pillars using AAO template, but I couldn't grow nano-pillars with perfect order. Rather, slanted nano-pillars were only formed. So please help me about the placement...
02 February 2014 8,386 7 View
The thermal evaporation technique is used for coating CuPc on a glass substrate or Au. We can grow nano-fibers on the substrate at higher temperature. What is the physics behind this self assembly...
02 February 2014 5,204 2 View
How can we explain the shift of photocurrent potential onset in negative direction with increase of number of CdS SILAR deposition cycles on ZnO mesoporous anode? What to-date nanostructured...
02 February 2014 423 1 View
Working with oxide or nitride semiconductor nano material for optoelectronic devices is the final goal for these materials.
01 January 2014 8,791 0 View
Light trapping.
01 January 2014 4,522 1 View
I am working on the formation of high frequency periodic surface structures by using femtosecond lasers. I have read many papers about the formation mechanism of HSFL and LSFL structures. here are...
01 January 2014 958 3 View
The structure of Bi2Te3 is Rhomboidal. What happens if we mix a small amount of Zn to it?
12 December 2013 8,911 2 View
I would like to prepare nanostructured cathode materials for a lithium ion battery. I have chosen the hydrothermal method for the preparation. But in the literature so many different surfactants...
12 December 2013 4,942 0 View
What are the possible structural modifications that can be done in order to enhance these properties?
12 December 2013 1,936 2 View
What is the number of carbon atoms in the (0, 3) unit cell of carbon nano tubes?
12 December 2013 1,959 0 View
Theoretical studies of nanomaterials
12 December 2013 9,393 1 View
I have seen people make alloy of 13 atom icosahedral Ag with Nickel and Copper. What is the criteria needed for this alloy metal? Can I make alloy of 13 atom Ag icosahedral with Na/K?
11 November 2013 4,358 1 View
What are the biggest differences and similarities between Iron Nano particles and Zero-Valent Iron Nano particles? Is it possible to use Iron Nano particles instead of Zero-Valent Iron Nano...
11 November 2013 5,499 6 View
Can anyone guide me in the application of nanomaterials or thin film in sound knowledge?
11 November 2013 9,323 1 View
Does anybody knows how structures, in my case pillars and holes, influence the wettability behavior?
10 October 2013 3,113 6 View
In thermal evaporation we heat either powder/bulk metal inside a vacuum in a specific pressure and temperature and the result is some nanoparticles in the substrate. Why does this happen, and what...
10 October 2013 9,346 2 View
Can anyone suggest different applications of electrospun PVDF nanofibers? I am using them in water separation processes. Suggestions for other applications and references are much...
10 October 2013 8,978 5 View
Could you tell me or show me any studies/articles or book about the fabrication/materials/challenges of biosensors?
10 October 2013 1,616 3 View
Metal powders can be harmful to filament and can cause malfunctions if put directly on chamber. What solutions can you offer me to examine them? Thank you in advance.
09 September 2013 6,076 13 View
In our lab we were trying to seed the baculovirus onto nanostructures and image them in SEM to get preliminary understanding of virus behavior when they are seeded on top of different...
09 September 2013 8,471 1 View
Because of the unique 3D helical morphologies, CNCs have more outstanding mechanical and electromagnetic properties than those of CNTs and are expected to have wide applications, which can be used...
07 July 2013 8,172 0 View
07 July 2013 5,584 1 View