How to attach the thermocouple to the inside surface of the window so that the bead of the thermocouple does not get heated more than the glass surface due to the incident sunlight?
Is the thermocouple the only way you have to sense the temperature? If you have the option of handling a GPIO port, you can use a microprocessed digital sensor such as the DS18B20 or DS18S20 and you will only have to glue the encapsulation to the glass, avoiding spurious energy uptakes.
First of all I thank you for your advice Pablo Di Nanno Sir.
Unfortunately, we have to take temperature measurements using thermocouples only. I wanted to find some methods to block direct sunlight on the bead to avoid spurge in temperature but at the same time we have to ensure that the bead is measuring the temperature of the surface.
Keep in mind that infrared rays and a large percentage of UV do not pass through the glass due to their composition. Anyway, you could make a first measurement against solar radiation and another one covering the glass from the outside, following the cable line accurately. Then perform the subtraction between the two and calculate the percentage of error obtained and thus add it to the final calculation as a percentage of error due to direct incident radiation to your sensor. But I already tell you, this should not have an appreciable value due to what was written above.