This is icbc part of the RegCM version 4
SVN Revision: 4.7.1-1027-g0c9c8 compiled at: data : Oct 8 2021 time: 04:29:07
: this run start at : 2022-12-30 04:39:43+0000
Using Moloch non-hydrostatic dynamical core
GLOBIDATE1 : 2017-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
GLOBIDATE2 : 2018-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
NSTEPS : 1461
Computing weights................ Done.
Computing weights................ Done.
Computing weights................ Done.
131072 data/ERA5/2017/ 1.8651047010219326E-003 248.48718848036432
196608 data/ERA5/2017/ 7.5211966278559084 245155.51259504544
262144 data/ERA5/2017/ 2.9496156507563046E-007 9.6659518359635752E-003
327680 data/ERA5/2017/ 2.4859166008166628E-003 -2.8601010668209161
393216 data/ERA5/2017/ 1.1901257066603134E-003 -6.8985061346306740
READ IN fields at DATE: 2017-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
No timesteps for SST data in SST file input/
STOP Execution terminated because of runtime error
Any help?
Please find attached the namelist used.