Highly pleasant emotion characterized by outward manifestations of gratification; joy. | Contact experts in Happiness to get answers
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Questions related to Happiness
Every human is seeking happiness and long life ,is it ,diet,good habits,or more sport and more forgiveness,so i am asking ,for the secret of happiness , Being happy doesn't just improve the...
13 October 2019 1,554 3 View
I will be very happy if anyone enlighten me about the use of macro data (country level) for regression.My dependent variable is female labor force participation and independent variables (for...
10 October 2019 3,501 4 View
I have used SmartPLS 3 and quite happy with what it can do. I have never used ADANCO, even don't know anybody who might have used it. Since ADANCO is probably the latest and novel software for...
10 October 2019 1,625 1 View
I am working on a LMM in SPSS but I am not really sure whether I am doing the correct analysis. The study is a within-subject design -- so participants came in 2x to the lab in randomized order...
10 October 2019 2,800 2 View
lonliness is the new happiness in the modern world. is it good or bad for the human race?
10 October 2019 5,476 7 View
10 October 2019 922 4 View
I will be happy to know as many packages as possible in operations research and statistics for different data analysis with their latest version and possible link and lincense
10 October 2019 1,281 1 View
I base myself on the proposal of a development of tourism on a human scale (Max-Neef, 2010), in which the dimensions of being, being, doing and having, bring together human needs. Thus,...
10 October 2019 6,251 4 View
According to the guidance notes the drying process of plant materials should be completed at the stage when there still remains 6 - 10 percent of moisture in the plant. Overdrying under e.g. 6 %...
10 October 2019 8,755 3 View
Hello, I am interested in running an experiment requiring pulsed field electrophoresis. The primary samples will be budding yeasts chromosomes and minor set of samples with chromosome sizes up...
10 October 2019 6,182 2 View
Hello everyone! I am mostly a structural biologist who did not get a chance yet to delve into a classical biochemical enzyme-substrate reaction. So as things would have it, I will have to perform...
10 October 2019 5,201 1 View
02 October 2019 4,869 2 View
Dear Colleagues, I am looking for a basic protocol to process rodents testicles and ovaries to examine their general histological structures as well as to examine spermatogenesis and...
09 September 2019 8,123 3 View
Different people have different ways to find happiness and peace in their heart and mind. What is your's way?
09 September 2019 10,101 9 View
Hello there. I'm doing disc brake analysis with Abaqus. I want the program to determine when the disc stops. I want to give the drive a certain speed. Then I want to see how many seconds it will...
09 September 2019 5,164 4 View
My company asked me to work on residual life assessment of boiler in order to help power plants for maintenance of equipment. For this purpose, I really need some standards and specifications to...
09 September 2019 9,826 2 View
01 September 2019 8,987 3 View
I am looking for a study that compares the discourse around intra-European mobility and integration for Eastern and Western Europeans. Mobility of Western Europeans is not addressed in public...
21 August 2019 3,149 2 View
Dear All, I would be happy if someone can share with me the following questionnaires (validated) 1. The EDI-3 (Eating Disorder Inventory 3) 2. ATHLETE Questionnaire 3. The EDAM (Eating Disorder...
08 August 2019 726 5 View
Are they some strong Relationship between physical activity, emotional intelligence, self confidence and HAPPINNESS ?
08 August 2019 1,589 5 View
Hello! I would like to measure a N2 Physisorption Isotherm for ZIF-8 (zeolitic imidazolate framework) material. Degassing temperature in literature are about 150-200 °C. How about the tolerance...
08 August 2019 799 2 View
I would like to built a Markov chain with which I can simulate the daily routine of people (activity patterns). Each simulation day is divided into 144-time steps and the person can carry out one...
08 August 2019 6,497 0 View
Dear Researchers & Faculties, I would be happy if you could spare a few minutes of your valuable time to answer this question. Currently I am working on the project entitled "Occupational...
08 August 2019 9,325 12 View
Hello, I've recently started to work with gene editing using CRISPR/cas9 and I was wondering something that I never see mentioned on papers like this. How to evaluate the gene editing efficiency...
08 August 2019 7,480 2 View