Highly pleasant emotion characterized by outward manifestations of gratification; joy. | Contact experts in Happiness to get answers
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Questions related to Happiness
Everyone experiences unexpected highs and lows in their life. But new research suggests that for most of us, happiness, and the lack of it, follow a fairly predictable trajectory. What do you...
14 December 2020 2,376 39 View
Increasing happiness is a challenging task these days, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Any research-based approaches? Thank you.
08 December 2020 9,477 37 View
I am looking for a good Hoagland nutrients solution protocol modified for alfalfa (stock and working). I will use it for hydroponic cultivation of alfalfa. I am not satisfied with one I have. I'll...
26 November 2020 1,996 1 View
I have seen in papers that many papers remove singletons from their microbiota data. I am not sure what is actually singletons and why the authors remove the singletons sequences. I would be happy...
24 November 2020 4,842 6 View
Dear All, I would like to write up a hypothetical experiment where I would need to manipulate participants perceptions of the following personality traits: Faithful, Conscientious, Trustworthy,...
23 November 2020 2,455 3 View
I am interested in research results concerning the relationship between religious adherence and indicators of wellbeing (happiness, satisfaction with life, etc.).
17 November 2020 4,035 3 View
I would be happy to get your contact details those working on the above mentioned study as I want to have some discussions and clear my doubts. Thank you 🙏
16 November 2020 8,850 1 View
As millions are getting depressed losing health and job and loniliness ,anew hope is begining to build up.really we need to this encouragement.we need all hygene ,distant physically to immune...
13 November 2020 413 4 View
Hi everyone, I am using smartpls3 to analyze my model and I have a significant interaction in this model. I know the general function of plotting this interaction, but I am wondering if it is...
02 November 2020 8,935 2 View
A study on Biological Psychiatry found that aging is successfully linked with a choice to live happy and productive life. Any one who limits his vision to memories of yesterday is already dead -...
22 October 2020 6,718 19 View
Hi All I am researching Paul Ekman's Basic Theory. Does anyone have any books or journal articles between the years 2016-present discussing the definitions of these 6 emotions: happiness,...
22 October 2020 5,563 8 View
I basically want to see if there is a difference between these sites. Especially between the forehead and inner wrist as many patients are not very happy with temperature reading taken at the...
06 October 2020 3,302 12 View
We all known Dopamine is a happy/joyous hormone secrets from brain.How it changes the over all human behaviour & responsible for the well being of humanbeing. Regards, Md Osim
03 October 2020 718 4 View
What is the purpose of education and what we get from education?
24 September 2020 6,073 4 View
One of my masters student will write her thesis about the emergence of happiness as a public policy goal. We are planning to conduct a systematic literature review between 2000 and 2010 to answer...
22 September 2020 7,053 3 View
Actually I am trying to simulate one of fischer tropsch process based on power law reaction rates. Unfortunately I cannot understand why I cannot get one these graphs in my simulation. I think I...
14 September 2020 5,057 2 View
Please does anyone has access or any document that is related to the topic "stress as a result of the covid-19 pandemic" ? would be happy to get your replies on based on this topic, Thank you.
08 September 2020 9,859 8 View
Happiness is to feel happy and get known all around you without losing health,money or family ,its ,when approching the age of 70 and above ,here is the ghost of sickness ,despair and lose of...
03 September 2020 7,255 4 View
We are planning an in vivo study on the relationship between hypercholesterolemia and probiotics. Unfortunately, we don't have the chance to work with hamsters, we have very few options for...
31 August 2020 8,953 6 View
Dear all, Can you go through the research article links and review and cite. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bKF5yGsAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2 Happy if connecting with researchers to...
06 August 2020 8,444 2 View
Congratulations & Good Wishes ICM Celebrates 3rd Anniversary If there is ever a corporate history written on ICM, it will start with you and end with you. You are not just another amazing...
25 July 2020 6,618 3 View
My goal is to count trichomes on a leaf of Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) in an automated fashion. Ideally, I would take a picture and use ImageJ to count the trichomes. When observed under a...
21 July 2020 2,706 0 View
Dear connections, I hope you all have a happy day Can anyone help me know if I can get Amman-Zarqa basin as polygon shapefile? I really need it. Thanks in advance. #Amman_Zarqa #ArcGIS
07 July 2020 6,331 3 View
There is a signal generator and an oscilloscope. I have seen many articles with settings for measuring the impedance. However, there must be a switching circuit to output data and calculate them:...
03 July 2020 7,794 4 View