An allotropic form of carbon that is used in pencils, as a lubricant, and in matches and explosives. It is obtained by mining and its dust can... | Contact experts in Graphite to get answers
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Questions related to Graphite
I synthesized Au deposited on graphite electrochemically by using chronopotentiometry. How much ever I tried I couldn't get UV absorbance peak of AuNPs in any number of solutions I tried? But when...
21 October 2020 2,294 5 View
Dear colleagues, What kind of way do you follow to immerse the same amount of heads as pencil graphite electrodes into the cell every time for the cyclic voltammetry in sensor studies? May you...
19 October 2020 6,299 4 View
Supercapacitor application
15 October 2020 2,656 6 View
I'm doing a neutronic simulation of a high-burnup, high-temperature graphite-moderated reactor. Is neutronics significantly affected if graphitization is neglected/considered? Note that I have...
23 September 2020 8,093 3 View
I have a system where there is a protein that interacts with different surfaces (copper and graphite). I am interested in adsorption phenomenon.
20 September 2020 2,779 2 View
Can we use the graphite moderator rods from nuclear waste in the mini reactor ,beta voltage cell decay ? or we can use the thermo-electric generator is there any possibility? for some miniature...
16 September 2020 1,991 8 View
As we know Graphite is a nonmetal and copper is a metal then why we electroplate copper on graphite? What is the application of copper electroplate on Graphite?
14 September 2020 3,006 6 View
I'm looking for a advices of papers, or some comentaries about the tectonic history and structural geology of te Center of Ecuador. Because i'd like to prepare a paper about a structural model in...
06 September 2020 1,683 6 View
I am doing my thesis on the use of graphene for supercapcitor electrodes. Most examples I have read about use nickel foam as a substrate for electrode production. I will most likely be looking at...
17 August 2020 1,665 4 View
I have a Graphene hydrogel (GH) and I pressed onto graphite with about 100MPa. The GH is just in one side of graphite support. When I did charge discharge galvanostatic of GH, the back of graphite...
14 August 2020 2,906 1 View
I am going to use the Focused Ion Beam to cut a graphite lamella, but the surfaces of graphite after cutting turn out to be super rough and form the terraces-like tomography. I am wondering if...
14 August 2020 6,484 3 View
The target is removing or decreasing free carbon on the external surface of gray and ductile iron.
10 August 2020 835 2 View
Planning to develop Graphene/Graphene Oxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide based Supercapacitor composite with 2D materials. Could anyone guide me which is best combination of 2D materials with...
06 August 2020 3,389 3 View
How to clean quartz tube after NaOH activation? After activation, some materials are deposition on the surface of quartz tube. How can I clean this? I did drop acid, soak in water or heating...
04 August 2020 9,507 1 View
Can i use Graphite flakes having 325 mesh particle size as conductive agent instead of acetylene black or carbon black to make slurry for super capacitor electrode ?
28 July 2020 1,414 1 View
The size of the graphite is about 1 to 3 micron with the pH of 6.16 dispersing in the water.The infrared spectroscopy shows thats there are some hydroxyl and carboxyl on the surface.And I want to...
10 July 2020 8,583 4 View
I am in the midst of surveying GC models to buy.One of the model offers technology that uses hydrogen or nitrogen instead of helium. This obviously will be cost saving but how about the...
28 June 2020 1,423 1 View
Addition of reinforcement with very high thermal conductivity (ex. graphene) would enhance the thermal conductive value of the developed polymer composites. How would one cap the maximum weight...
22 June 2020 9,545 11 View
We have analyzed quartz samples in order to search for additional mineral phases and have obtained patterns like this above, but we weren't able to locate the centre neither using Ellipse Fitting...
19 June 2020 9,207 0 View
I am following KMnO4 -H2SO4 reaction media for the synthesis of graphene oxide(GO) by an improved process.
05 June 2020 777 3 View
I tried to mix polyurethane and graphene oxide with ionic liquid (EMIM-TFSI) to enhance it's ionic conductivity, will there be any effect in functional group charge (negative -cooh, -oh) of GO or...
28 May 2020 7,618 4 View
We have hBN/graphene layer on Cu foil. We want to have TEM characterization after transfering this layer to SiO2. Is there any way to characterize while graphene is on the SiO2 substrate....
22 May 2020 9,535 1 View
Most of the time, I searched on the Internet, I got CNTs reinforced metal composites instead of Graphene reinforced metal composites. Is there any particular fabrication or mechanical properties...
22 May 2020 5,724 3 View
I'm in the process of designing thermal evaporation chamber for experimental purposes. The temperatures in the chamber will easily exceed 600C which means that any sealing solution must either...
13 May 2020 6,770 1 View