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Questions related to Graphene
I am trying to make an Heterostructure with Graphene monolayer for DFT calculation . But I am facing problem with making a structure and searching for if is there a tutorial or manual for learning...
28 November 2021 3,658 2 View
I am doing my thesis on the determination of thermal conductivity of 2D materials using LAMMPS by NEMD process. My system seems not to be working properly. Can anybody help me with the input file...
25 November 2021 9,940 1 View
I am working on graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) and polymer composites. The thermogravimetric data if GNP shows a three-step weight loss when heated up to 900 C (please look at the attached curve). I...
23 November 2021 6,762 3 View
I am working with carbon based PDM composites as a heating layer of a photothermal actuator, So far, I've only tried with commercial grade Graphite power and Graphene Nanoplates. From my...
13 November 2021 3,220 2 View
I am working on graphene growth on copper foil using CVD. I use PMMA solution to protect the graphene after the growing process. Before transferring the graphene onto SiO2/SiO, I use acetone to...
12 November 2021 665 22 View
Is it a kind of core-shell structure to cover a carbon film or graphene oxide on a catalyst surface (for carbon dioxide reduction)? Although it is shell formation, I think it is a membrane...
10 November 2021 8,377 3 View
Hello respected members, Can anyone comment about the Interpretation of Raman Spectra of fluorescent Carboxyl Functionalized Carbon nanomaterial? Is it relatable with the Raman Spectra of...
10 November 2021 3,927 4 View
Typically graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide can be called derivatives of graphite. Similarly, what do graphite and carbon black fall under? I do understand graphite is a layered structure...
28 October 2021 294 7 View
What is the easiest way to measure the PSD for GO/or Graphene/ CNT dispersion? Something quick and easy and cheap NOT by using SEM or other imaging analysis
27 October 2021 1,954 8 View
I made graphene out of graphite the process involved PVA, as a result of that I couldn't get graphene powder instead I got the combination of graphene and PVA which is a foam. How can I remove...
20 October 2021 7,250 3 View
How can I determine the number of layers of Graphene oxide from its Raman spectrum? I saw some papers saying it can be done using the values of the D band (and not 2D) and G band, but how do you...
17 October 2021 5,663 2 View
after Graphene oxide preparation, i followed chemical exfoliation method. I used hydrazine hydrate as reducing agent. I got major peak along with that i got two theta: 20.856 (count was less,...
14 October 2021 6,684 5 View
I have only access to PDF 2001 JCPDS database. I want the file for carbon, Graphite, graphene, Graphene oxide ( With Carbon , and Carbon OXygen )
08 October 2021 8,598 3 View
Hi, I am trying to find yield strength & tangent modulus of pure graphene but I am unable to find it. Could someone please give me the values for yield strength & tangent modulus with...
05 October 2021 4,439 4 View
Dear Graphene Researchers, Can any one give idea about the data bases of graphene production and it's use for various technological applications? I am not getting an authentic website/Link about...
03 October 2021 9,740 3 View
I am looking for calculation method of compressive stress in case of CVD grown graphene.
30 September 2021 3,890 6 View
Higher-order basis function (HOBF) settings are ignored when are used in conjunction with planar multilayer substrates in FEKO. Does anyone know how can i activate a similar setting? Thanks in...
20 September 2021 190 2 View
Even though the nitrogen content (XPS result) of NC is higer than Co@NC, the thermal stability of NC is more stable than Co@NC. My result is similar to this paper Plot is my result Binder‑free...
14 September 2021 7,445 4 View
I'm looking for the JCPDS card number for graphene, graphene amine, graphene nanoplatelets, Carbon nanofiber for XRD analysis.
13 September 2021 5,624 5 View
What are the in-plane and out-of-plane permittivity of a dielectric? for example, I have read that the in-plane permittivity of the graphene is equal to 1+j*sigma/(eps0*omega*tg) (sigma:...
10 September 2021 4,521 5 View
I want to clean surfaces but i wonder i can use sonication method to clean cvd graphene and cvd MoS2 in acetone. Substrate is SiO2/Si.
09 September 2021 4,953 6 View
Hi, I was using the Malvern Zetasizer to measure the zeta potential of GNPs in simulated cement pore solution. when I measure the zeta potential of GNPs in simulate cement pore solution, the...
07 September 2021 1,086 5 View
I have been synthesizing graphene oxide using Hummer's method. I am expecting the mixture to atleast turn brown after 12 hours, however it remains blue black
03 September 2021 5,811 4 View
I need to know the best proportions of graphene oxide to add in the cement mixture and does it affect the thermal properties?
27 August 2021 7,053 7 View