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Questions related to Electrical Engineering
What is the maximum distance of the conductor to transfer voltage and current from other conductor?
12 December 2017 6,452 13 View
Does magnetic field present between the capacitor when there is current? If yes, is it significant for dielectric heating? I understand that changing electric field produces magnetic field and...
12 December 2017 7,282 5 View
Dear researchers, Thank you for your interest in the topic, In one of my studies I am going to use an electric motor to run the compressor of a gas-turbine power plant. The required power is 7...
12 December 2017 5,672 10 View
11 December 2017 6,839 12 View
SVPWM Technique is another technique for implementing PWM.
11 November 2017 8,974 2 View
Hello everyone, I am working on a research which involves PV penetration in the grid. I have an Energy Storage System (ESS) which is rated at 25% of the PV Generation . The ESS is assumed to be...
11 November 2017 9,164 7 View
I have a dataset which is kind of unique where can I distribute it? Description of Dataset: Here is three datasets which include WOS-11967 , WOS-46985, and WOS-5736 Each folder...
11 November 2017 6,315 1 View
I have assessed three parameters for the product (i.e. A, B, C) and summed up all these to be one final value (i.e. A +B+ C= D) Anyone know how i can do sensitivity analysis for this case? i...
08 November 2017 5,980 3 View
I'm using Cadence Virtuoso with 180nm UMC. Individually, the layout for each device in the UMC library loads perfectly. After I create a new schematic and use the UMC devices to create, say, an...
01 November 2017 3,407 1 View
and also by analytically?
28 October 2017 2,174 3 View
I have read about cyclic voltammetry and three-electrode systems but our school doesn't have the necessary equipment. Can I perhaps use an LCR meter or a multi-meter?
21 October 2017 3,181 1 View
I have a modulator that through an inductive link, I send my ASK modulated data to the secondary coil and on the secondary part, with some circuit I detect my data, now I want to compare two...
10 October 2017 5,531 8 View
10 October 2017 2,638 0 View
The electrodes are used for voltage measurement in the Brain and needs to be connected to pre-amplifiers. Is there any company or research group that can fabricate transparent microchip for this...
10 October 2017 2,081 8 View
Hello everybody, Does anyone know useful references which show the results of short-circuit calculation in IEEE 30-bus (three-phase fault in several buses)? Preferably in Amperes, or in p.u....
10 October 2017 1,106 0 View
Why there is grounded and un-grounded XLPE power cables in high voltage distribution/transmission systems? what are the pros and cons of both?
10 October 2017 2,847 13 View
What are the scope of quality research for an Electrical Engineering background scholar? Can you let me know some potential area of the research? Is there any sound Mathematical modelling for...
10 October 2017 10,148 13 View
I am just wondering if any one here knows the relationship of impedance, inductance, capacitance, and frequency. I have seen equation, but it is only involves the relationship of frequency,...
10 October 2017 9,372 4 View
For Germany and other European countries, delivers market data for balancing markets. For my current research i am looking for data for balancing market or anillary service...
09 September 2017 9,091 3 View
Looking for details on range of costs for building and operating seawater reverse osmosis treatment plant system. The goal is to have an establish an optimized design and operating scheme.
22 August 2017 3,356 1 View
Hi, Can you tell me How to find PAE or Power Amplifier Efficiency in Advanced Design Technology (ADS)? Thanks
15 August 2017 8,943 3 View
Hi, I am trying to obtain the gauge factor equation (G = dR/R*epsilon) from the resistance, electrical conductivity, length, and cross sectional area, A (width and thickness) of material. I have...
08 August 2017 2,244 3 View
I am triying to find the best fit for my data. I have a data set of 13128 observations of wind speed. I have to add that I'm not a statistician, I'm an Electrical Engineer, so most of these...
08 August 2017 4,650 8 View
How does the efficiency of a gas turbine generator change with increase/decrease of the load? What is the relation between load and efficiency for the gas turbine generator?Thank you very much in...
08 August 2017 3,439 10 View