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Questions related to Electrical Engineering
Consider a sinusoidal supply at fundamental frequency as shown, with a series inductive reactance leading to a bus. Let a diode rectifier load be connected to the bus. The switch Sw for resistive...
25 June 2020 8,389 27 View
I am trying to estimate load profile for different houses based on occupancy profiles, number of people, total rooms, and age factor. Is there a way to estimate energy consumption based on the...
12 June 2020 4,394 14 View
I am trying to study the different parameters effecting the ion thrusters performance.How is the diameter of accelerator grid hole related to the overall grid current of an ion thruster?
28 May 2020 5,215 0 View
Please, any idea about well known chapters in Electrical Engineering where researchers can publish their works? Thanks
10 May 2020 6,622 3 View
In information theory, the entropy of a variable is the amount of information contained in the variable. One way to understand the concept of the amount of information is to tie it to how...
02 May 2020 6,918 6 View
I need to design and make a high voltage power supply to use in a lab made electrostatic precipitation with this specs: Input voltage: AC: 220 volt Output voltage: DC: 5-20 KV (Continuous...
10 April 2020 5,417 21 View
Hi everyone! I'm trying to reproduce the results of modeling equations of a battery system. All the equations are related to the change in time and the graphs that I would like to reproduce are...
10 April 2020 4,430 0 View
.If Input values are in figures(Employee cost, Selling Cost, Raw material Cost) and output value in ratios (inventory turnover ratio, Working capital ratio,return on investment ). which model is...
10 April 2020 1,434 2 View
My name is pavan. I am recently working on project in my under graduation known as speed control of induction motor using AI controller . For that I need speed control of 1 phase AC induction...
14 March 2020 2,446 4 View
i was using v2014 until now, when i tried to switch it to P2019.03 it said, no amd64 binaries installed for synopsys tcad release current im using centos7 now, and i know centos7 support...
03 March 2020 4,590 4 View
Resistances in transmission system are negligible, so 1.0pu voltage assumption holds. However, in distribution system, resistances are not negligible. Please provide information about some simple...
29 February 2020 5,655 3 View
i know that it is not possible to draw meander line helix in CST. how shall i draw parameterized meander line helix to be imported to CST for simulation and optimization? what software shall i...
21 February 2020 1,594 3 View
For every joule stored in a capacitor, an equal amount has been dissipated in resistive losses. So the maximum theoretical charging efficiency would, therefore, be 50%. But, how can manufacturers...
15 February 2020 2,254 6 View
I'm currently doing my BEng in manufacturing engineering but am moving to do a masters in energy systems come September. While I am looking forward to the course, I am a little stuck for...
02 February 2020 395 8 View
02 February 2020 2,454 3 View
Hello All, I am presently enrolled as an MSc Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication Option). I have finished my coursework and about to engage in my research but I am having difficult in...
02 February 2020 1,710 7 View
Hello friends, i have designed a power amplifier and tested linear parameters in network analyzer and i have extracted S2p file from that. but when i simulate that s2p file in ads again with...
19 January 2020 5,991 0 View
Hello everyone. I am a fresh Ph.D. candidate who studies Mie resonators. I am confused about the discrepancy between the measurement and simulated spectra. In the simulation, the reflectivity of...
18 January 2020 7,120 2 View
I set up a hydrological model using curved SCSs. Can I know the infiltration trend during the simulation for each cell in the grid? Thanks
10 December 2019 7,543 1 View
The theorem states that the reactance of a passive, lossless two-terminal (one-port) network always strictly monotonically increases with frequency. Can this theorem be extended to two port...
04 December 2019 7,932 1 View
Recently one of our transmission lines was out of service due to B phase to ground fault.But when I look at the angles of the current and voltage phasors,I don’t understand the current side.It...
11 November 2019 4,964 3 View
I have an ascii file with a grid of the directions of the strain-rate axes (exx, eyy and exy) and their coordinates, which I want to visualize in a map, as in the attached image. Does anyone know...
11 November 2019 5,998 5 View
Dear all, I am requesting you all to give me answer/reason for the following question? Why static power increases with the increment of temperature in CMOS memory circuits or CMOS circuits? What...
04 November 2019 9,136 4 View
I am trying to simulate a LCL filter based Grid Connected inverter in PSIM simulation software. My circuit is attached for reference. As can be seen, a single DC source is used to simulate DC...
21 September 2019 6,789 4 View