Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. | Contact experts in Condensed Matter Physics to get answers
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Questions related to Condensed Matter Physics
it is difficult to understand for me that how spin hall effect can give rise spin current. charge current is split into spin up and spin down on the lateral edges. now there is no imbalence. then...
29 October 2017 9,215 5 View
I want to measure the heat capacity of my oxide thin film. Is it possible to measure it by DSC technique?
29 October 2017 673 3 View
I want to grow oxide thin film. which technique can be the best one. please help me
29 October 2017 404 20 View
Both spin orbit coupling and external magnetic field show zeeman splitting. then why only external field or magnetic impurity in TI break time reversal symmetry and not spin orbit...
25 October 2017 353 12 View
i am working to investigate plasmon from some materials. can anybody give me some explaination to me?
11 October 2017 3,332 2 View
Hi, I apologize for this apparently silly question, but please, could you point me out if there is an underlying relationship between the defect driven phase transition and the directed...
10 October 2017 10,060 3 View
Density functional theory , first principle calculations, condensed matter physics, material sciences
07 October 2017 1,984 2 View
DFT, Material Science, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
27 September 2017 9,611 3 View
Hi, The vortex-unbinding Kosterlitz-Thouless physics generally applies to two-dimensional systems and occasionally three dimensional solid. I was wondered if there exits an one dimensional analogy...
24 September 2017 3,616 17 View
i actually want to calculate band structure of SrNbO3.5 with quantum espresso, but i have some trouble with its atomic position. my colleague advice me to use Sr2Nb2O7, but i doubt with the result...
15 September 2017 7,200 4 View
For DFT or TB or any scf calculation supercell is needed to include the defects in material. Now I get the the converged eigen energy and eigen vector at supercell k vector. I can unfold the band...
31 August 2017 7,874 2 View
Curie -Weiss Law Used: Chi= Chi0+ C/(T+theta)
22 August 2017 8,092 3 View
I am trying to figure out the atomic coordinates in SrTiO3 unit cell with the tertragonal phase (space group I4/mcm). A reference paper described the atomic coordinates by the Wyckoff position,...
19 August 2017 2,149 2 View
Topological phase in condense matter, Wannier calculation, HSE.
25 July 2017 1,099 2 View
Hello, Anyone knows the Magnetic ordering feature in LaMnO3? Is there a superexchange through Oxygens (like in the case of simple MnO) ? By the way, As we know the crystal structure is...
24 July 2017 1,881 2 View
This sample is La2CuO4+y. So, I doped La2CuO4 with oxygen, by annealing it in O2 environment for 24 h. The undoped one shows pure paramagnetic, but this doped one i'm still confuse how to...
21 July 2017 4,261 10 View
1) How one can describe short range and long range ferromagnetic ordering by analysing M(T,H) data? 2) is superexchange always short-range order? 3) how to idetify the type of exchange interaction...
19 July 2017 976 3 View
Iam trying to find effective dielectric constant of two mixtures.i.e. mixing a gas to a nanomaterial. we can use either Maxwell Garnett theory or Bruggeman. In my case the volume fraction is...
18 July 2017 7,283 3 View
It's known that the Density functional theory (DFT) is the most successful approach to compute the electronic structure of matter.It's useful in the study of matter properties of as optical,...
17 July 2017 430 3 View
Magneto-elasticity and magnetostriction is related terms. Kindly request you to give me any suggestion related research papers which can help me to differentiate between them?
13 July 2017 6,985 3 View
Dielectric relaxation time allows us to investigate any system deeply. I am looking for the relation and difference between them. Since both are playing a different key role in ion dynamics. SO,...
08 July 2017 7,578 4 View
I am interested to find the band structure of a system having 68 atoms. What tags di I need to include in the INCAAR file for magnetic and spin calculations? Secondly, how can set the values of...
08 July 2017 1,211 3 View
if a crystals display inversion symmetry, how can its second order susceptibility be non-zero? Thanks alot
01 July 2017 10,019 5 View
Hi guys, This is zhenhua wu, I am asking for some help about the KP hamiltonian of a 2D HgTe/CdTe well. The BHZ hamiltonian is very successful in describing the TI edge states in a 2D HgTe/CdTe...
25 June 2017 8,262 3 View