Condensed matter physics is a branch of physics that deals with the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. | Contact experts in Condensed Matter Physics to get answers
3,073 views 628 posts
Questions related to Condensed Matter Physics States that "Fluctuation occurs which drives the amplitude of the order.parameter to zero at all points on a surface which seversthe...
19 June 2017 7,795 17 View
I have studied a system that charge or exciton can be transfer in it. This particle transfer under internal and external factors canbeen localized or pseudo-localized or extended. transfer process...
17 June 2017 1,170 5 View
For MAX phase, it has the metallic nature from the analysis of DOS and band structure, and it can change from metallic to delectric material when the incident light is larger than the bulk plasma...
13 June 2017 2,178 2 View
Why in ideal single crystals only the zone-centre optical phonons are observed using optical techniques such as Raman spectroscopy?
07 June 2017 1,839 4 View
There are two kinds of perfect dislocations in cubic diamond structures, such as SiC, GaAs, etc. Namely, perfect 60˚ dislocations and edge dislocations. 60 ˚ perfect dislocations can dissociate...
30 May 2017 2,337 3 View
"MOF-74 is a well-studied framework with a high density of coordinatively unsaturated metal centers (also called open metal sites) in metal-oxide pyramidclusters" Does this mean that the cation in...
23 May 2017 3,740 1 View
I need to increase the energy gap in Bandstructure and DOS obtained from the calculation of A-site substituted Multiferroic Substance.
18 May 2017 2,855 1 View
After AIMD calculation, I want to know the bader charge distribution at some certain times. But the structure has been changed far away from the initial orderly crystal structure. If I do so,...
17 May 2017 6,970 2 View
For a given hamiltonian H=-J∑SiSj -h∑SI in the one dimensional ising model, small h and capital J are applied magnetic field and strength of nearest neighbor interaction.Now how to evaluate...
13 May 2017 5,176 3 View
If the electric field vary linearly(e.g.along thickness) in a piezoelectric material , it is said that there is electrical locking in piezoelectricity. what does it mean electrical locking in...
13 May 2017 8,239 1 View
I am doing a project on Superconductors and have to work on the condensed matter physics of it. I am starting from the basics. So I need to study Anderson and Hubbard model. I am not finding any...
11 May 2017 714 3 View
Is there an analytical expression for the probability of finding two consecutive parallel spins in the one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Ising model (with constant J
07 May 2017 5,359 10 View
usually for exotic nuclei, physicist prefers to use neutron skin word instead of excess neutrons. But what does actually mean by neutron skin of a nucleus?
02 May 2017 10,177 1 View
I'm currently working on systems based on graphene and graphite and I'm looking for a potential to describe the interlayer elastic interactions and the interlayer van der Waals interactions. The...
02 May 2017 7,022 3 View
Do you know about some articles calculating the band structures of DMS containing Mn in general and number of holes in Mn 3d band in particular? I need this information to calculate magnetic...
26 April 2017 7,588 3 View
Quantum ESPRESSO allows to calculate saturation polarization with the help of Berry phase calculations, along X, Y or Z axes. How to calculate the polarization along face or body diagonals?
22 April 2017 1,411 3 View
I need to solve the microgravity slosh computationally...I dont knw how to assume boundary conditions..need help
19 April 2017 4,384 3 View
Respected researchers, how to prove the net magnetization is intrinsic from temperature dependent magnetization (2K - 380K) studies of divalent (Sr)doped bismuth ferrite when a field of 1000Oe is...
19 April 2017 1,751 3 View
Can Hydrogen atoms effect on spin-spin interaction in Co thin films? (something like Oxygen role in Mn3+-O-Mn4+ double exchange interaction)
18 April 2017 1,459 4 View
There have some papers say that Anderson localized insulator follows the expression: ln(ρ) = A (T-1/4) : (Anderson-Mott transition induced by hole doping in Nd1−xTiO3 Phys. Rev. B 74, 104419...
18 April 2017 8,061 2 View
I am currently reading some papers in the field of high Tc superconductivity. Some concepts confuse me. Can you tell me the definitions of spin wave, spin density wave, spin excitation, spin...
15 April 2017 354 8 View
We know that some of the Weyl semimetals show negative magnetoresistance in presence of parallel electric and magnetic fields, which is indicative of the chiral anomaly due to Weyl fermions. But...
14 April 2017 10,033 4 View
What nformation can we get from the Exchange stiffness constant of ferromagnetic material and where is it particularly useful?
13 April 2017 6,892 5 View
We know that Allen-Dynes-modified McMillan formula is model dependent formula, where the model describes only real materials which satisfy 4 approximations. The isotropic approximation is one of...
11 April 2017 9,583 3 View