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Questions related to Computer Engineering
I need to test a visual development environment using a classic simulation model. Does anyone know the classic simulation model or application?
01 January 2015 2,338 2 View
Genuine software procurement is a challenge because, various measures taken by Microsoft can be bypassed and let users believe that they are using genuine products. As an auditor of information...
01 January 2015 6,493 4 View
I am interested in knowing what is the scope of research here for a computer engineering student. Thanks.
23 December 2014 6,426 6 View
Specifically on physical layer and MAC layer attacks.
12 December 2014 6,724 4 View
I wanted to apply digital signature on cloud and for that I wanted to use GPG.
12 December 2014 5,764 1 View
I don't know what the formula for hub vertex, spokes and rim vertices labels is. Can you help me?
12 December 2014 9,598 2 View
I do not want to modify my RTL design, I am looking for a verification method to detect a miss routing fault. Is it fine to compare the routing able of golden run and fault runs?
12 December 2014 7,856 2 View
How can add parameter as waiting time in priority based scheduling algorithm. If we add this parameter then it's provides efficient scheduling list. We add this parameter as Waiting time, Turn...
12 December 2014 3,912 5 View
What do you propose as the best first steps to apply in pre-requirements system engineering? That is what are the steps to be taken, in your opinion, to validate system requirements? I have...
12 December 2014 7,316 4 View
Mostly PIN diode data sheets we have equivalent circuits for forward and reverse states. I want to use a lumped element based On and off states. Does anybody know how to get values AT GHz ranges...
04 December 2014 3,468 3 View
Many researcher in software defect prediction using NASA MDP dataset, but they not publish the developer of each project. Are all of NASA MDP datasets developed by one developer? We can't analyze...
30 November 2014 934 4 View
I started implementing a simple motion detection algorithm on fpga. I just wonder whether I should use kit Altera DE1/De2 or kit Xilinx. Which has more advantages?
16 November 2014 4,281 5 View
How can you implement DEW step by step?
11 November 2014 8,193 2 View
In a platform like a processor consisting of 100 cores or more, complexities in making ON and OFF all the power gating transistors ??
11 November 2014 3,940 0 View
Can anyone help me with it?
11 November 2014 6,450 1 View
We would like to fabricate an IC which includes various students' research works in TSMC90nm Technology. I have two option, 1)MOSIS 2)IMEC, Which choice would be preferred? What will be the...
11 November 2014 4,428 7 View
I am using R to perform logistic regression on my data set. My data set has more than 50 variables. The challenge is to write code in R that can assess the statistical validity of certain records...
18 October 2014 6,824 3 View
Messages in BPMN choreography are modeled in Choreography Task. The sender sends a white message to the receiver. The latter, answer with a grey message. What if the answer is a callback response?
10 October 2014 6,298 5 View
I am trying to compute the critical path delay in the presence of process variation. Is there any solid method to compute critical path delay distribution? Which tool uses such method and what are...
10 October 2014 5,566 5 View
Hi everyone. I have a problem to model concrete crack in abaqus.I use Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) in my model, I can run my model but I can not show the crack pattern.I read one paper, and...
30 September 2014 5,684 26 View
What can you say about the features of the analysis of test and real images. For which tasks it is necessary to take into account the reality of the image (to use the methods of analysis for the...
24 September 2014 5,677 5 View
I am trying to design a planer sonos structure with hot carrier injection in sentaurus tcad, But when I am trying to run this, it gives an error that "supernodal has a problem" and "linear system...
09 September 2014 1,645 1 View
Different procedures of edge images. How to determine the quality and effectiveness of procedures for allocating image edge.
19 August 2014 1,241 11 View
How to give input parameters to the ROUGE tool?
08 August 2014 348 3 View