I started implementing a simple motion detection algorithm on fpga. I just wonder whether I should use kit Altera DE1/De2 or kit Xilinx. Which has more advantages?
Dear Mr Sivanantham, thank you for your reply. I just wonder why most people use xilinx instead of DE1/2/3. What is the advantage of xilinx compared to DE1/2/3.
Dear Mr Afaq Ahmad, thank you for your reply. I have checked the link you gave me. The link mainly compared the performance of two processing core. But I want to know more about why the architecture of xilinx kit is more suited (i guesses) for signal processing than DE1/2/3
Yes you can, but generally image and video processing need much and speed memories as DDR, and i think that Xilinx platforms are better cos Xilinx is the first inc in the field and has a large community on the net.