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Questions related to Classical Mechanics
I'm considering this question because the realization of SOC by I. Spielman's experiment and other treatment to realize SOC are just using some kind of unitary transformation. Besides, they also...
02 February 2014 3,945 2 View
I am giving some initial issues: 1) A certain field that QM cannot show is the concept of 'quantum chaos'. This is due to its linear form, so with linearity you can not explain the 'hard...
02 February 2014 6,539 84 View
If we take a cold air balloon and charge it with electrostatic charge, and suspend this in air. Get another obstacle and charge that with the same static charge. When both balloon and the...
02 February 2014 9,319 7 View
I am really strongly impressed by these mechanical Zeno like effects in mechanics!
20 January 2014 5,218 4 View
Imagine that I'm jumping over an infinite cliff, under the influence of the gravitational force(F=mg, where m is my mass and g is the gravitational constant). At some point, due to the...
13 January 2014 7,724 1 View
Since Newton, we know that motion is relative, and that there is nothing like absolute rest. But if you would accelerate towards one direction, the CBR in front of you gets blue-shifted and...
01 January 2014 3,959 3 View
01 January 2014 3,793 4 View
01 January 2014 1,630 1 View
No gravitational wave was measured yet, no graviton was detected accordingly. On the other hand no space- time curvature was observable. There is no successful experiment to validate the...
12 December 2013 7,557 92 View
I am working on displacement and stress analysis of diaphragm structures. I am thinking of developing a mathematical models for displacement and stress in the diaphragm. If anyone has done some...
30 September 2013 1,286 2 View
09 September 2013 6,077 2 View
The only way to retrieve the classical mechanics from the quantum one is to put the Plank's constant to zero. But are these classical mechanics obtained by posing the Plank's constant to zero...
08 August 2013 8,538 2 View
It seems Hamiltonian systems handle conservative systems because of invariant Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics does so for it is equivalent to Hamiltonian mechanics. Is there anything a like...
10 May 2013 431 7 View
05 May 2013 3,492 8 View
To simulate a bead-spring chain using BD (inertia-less) and using an explicit integration algorithm such as the one proposed by Ermak and McCammon, the time-step should be smaller than the...
09 April 2013 7,818 7 View
04 April 2013 2,215 7 View
I think that the distance between the earth would be reduced 1/root(2).
01 January 2013 5,948 4 View
And also if possible please explain the inter-conversion of langrangian and hamiltonian equation of motion
10 October 2012 2,087 2 View
Strong Determinism is equivalent to Predestined (Classical Mechanics/Newton), otherwise Weak Determinism is Probabilistic (Quantum Mechanics)
01 January 1970 1,199 1 View
There are NO examples of real, conservative forces that can be mapped as a two-body interaction (the foundation of Newtonian Physics = Classical Mechanics - CM). Math physics is a series of...
01 January 1970 6,693 91 View
The standard way to explain this conundrum is an idea called inflation, which suggests that the universe went through a short period of rapid expansion early on – so the temperature evented out...
01 January 1970 9,875 9 View
Anyone can help me to explain how the spherical coordinates (e.g. latitude and longitude) can be converted into a Cartesian coordinates? I attached the equation that needs the explanation....
01 January 1970 3,550 0 View
Simple Definition of nature, the physical world and everything in it (such as plants, animals, mountains, oceans, stars, etc.) that is not made by...
01 January 1970 5,563 6 View
WE ARE born. We die. We call the span that separates these events time. Its passage is perhaps the most fundamental feature of our human experience, yet we are incapable of saying exactly what it...
01 January 1970 7,428 98 View