12 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ziad Hazim Deleme
The protocol used in managing COVID-19 for Mr. president Trump containing: Regenerons poly-clonal antibody cocktail Zinc Vit. D Fomatidine Melatonin Aspirin what are the differences and...
10 October 2020 7,754 3 View
Many trails and efforts had been done and underwent to get a vaccine and get ride of mortality rate of population so what is the percentage that expected of effectiveness of SARS CoV2 as the virus...
26 June 2020 1,711 0 View
Is there a relation between people whom take BCG and chicken pox vaccine in pandemic of COVID 19 or any change in management of it or prognosis?
28 April 2020 4,471 9 View
A new study provides evidence that the seasonal colds you've had in the past could protect you from COVID-19. The study also suggests that immunity to COVID-19 is likely to last a long time --...
01 January 1970 4,870 6 View
Due to increase usage of steroids and stressfull conditions of many COVID-19 cases, this lead to increase blood sugar and consequently increases the complications of DM, for this reason many cases...
01 January 1970 5,919 7 View
Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs has been found to have a major role in decreasing edema and inflammation of vessels wall and permit air entry to lung, what is the clinical parameter that...
01 January 1970 2,086 9 View
After we get a highly recommended vaccine, do you think that all people need it, or we should exclude persons whome get innate immunity by their previous infection? What is the benefits?
01 January 1970 2,082 5 View
As we all use PPE as a part of combating COVID-19, and many people has symptoms of hypercapnia due to long period wearing mask and rebreathing the exhalt air, so what is the side effect and other...
01 January 1970 326 9 View
Iodin as a liquid form proved it is effectiveness against SARS COV2 infection, so how can the dentist use it in clinical manner with minimal side effects?
01 January 1970 4,614 3 View
Can we make a comparison between spanish flu as it kills 1 millon in the first invasion and kills 50 millons in the second attack, so Dose COVID-19 act same behaviour as spanish flu?
01 January 1970 277 10 View
What is the target effect of utilization of plasma of cured people from COVID-19 to critically ill patient, has their any studies confirm it?
01 January 1970 2,040 42 View
As we know the aggressiveness of corona virus appear in high mortality in short period of time, so what about high cure rate in relative to high death in hospitals?
01 January 1970 5,332 7 View