57 Questions 296 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Victor Christianto
Nowadays we are working on a nonlinear problem involving a system of coupled ODEs (first order). I tried to solve the system with NDSolve of Mathematica, but it yields error: the package returns...
03 May 2017 9,768 7 View
In 1973, Francis Crick and L.E. Orgel published a paper in Icarus journal, suggesting a new hypothesis for the origin of life on earth, which they called as Directed Panspermia. Do you think there...
27 January 2016 602 7 View
If there is anyone who knows where the experimental setting of Rubbiatron, please let me know. Thanks
08 December 2015 1,440 4 View
I just found a paper by O'Raifeartaigh and McCann discussing Einstein's forgotten cosmological model. The title of his paper is “On the cosmological problem of the general theory of...
25 July 2015 2,781 11 View
in an old paper, Boris P. Kosyakov discusses exact solution of Yang-Mills-Wong Theory, and his paper seems to indicate that it is possible to study quark confinement from exact solution of...
10 July 2015 5,954 4 View
Charleston massacre and other massacres seem to indicate increasing aggression among adolescences. In this regard, i just found a bopok by Zipora Schechtman on treating aggression with...
26 June 2015 4,943 7 View
It is known that QCD is based on SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. This reminds me to a lecture around 2009 , the lecture was given by Prof. Yu P. Rybakov, and it was about Yang-Mills theory. Actually i...
30 May 2015 6,161 4 View
Fleury, Dupuy, & Uzan reported in Phys. Lett. (2013), that it is possible to interpret the Hubble diagram in the context of nonhomogeneous universe. They wrote as follows: "In the standard...
15 April 2015 6,586 2 View
One of my friends is being treated for vertigo, but he cannot stop smoking. Is the treatment affected by that smoking brhavior? What is your opinion?
25 March 2015 7,523 8 View
I just read some papers discussing PLIS as a method to measure leadership integrity. Is there an alternative to PLIS? What do you think....
23 March 2015 7,017 6 View
Can chiral symmetry help to explain the origin of hadron mass?
21 March 2015 4,601 8 View
Many proposals for solving RH have been suggested, but has it been splved? What do you
13 March 2015 8,129 33 View
Despite many problems with present antipsychotic, all attempts to find non-dopaminergic antipsychotic seem to have failed. But one exception is perhaps glutamate receptor. What do you think?
02 March 2015 6,642 12 View
These authors say that interpretation problems were not solved at 1927. What do you think?
22 January 2015 8,161 18 View
See this paper by prof. Blackledge. What do you think?
02 January 2015 6,175 3 View
I read somewhere concerning this hypothesis. Do you know any evidence?
23 December 2014 4,077 44 View
A friend suffers from Rheumatoid arthritis. Can I suggest him to use Voltaren gel, Cataflam or Cambia? Or is there other option?
17 December 2014 7,130 34 View
In a rather old paper, Jorge HIrsch discussed some inadequacies of London equations. He proposed a new set of equations based on Maxwell equations (see...
16 December 2014 1,372 7 View
In a 2011 paper, Gersten and Moalem derive among other things photon wavefunction and wave equations for massless particles of any spin. Is it possible to derive quark masses too using their approach?
10 December 2014 5,790 23 View
In an old paper, Dr. D.V. Ahluwalia suggests that the Great Attractor embeds us in gravitational potential at the order of -3x10^(-5). Interestingly, one of my colleague (Michael Peck) also...
08 December 2014 6,334 19 View
It is known that physics is empirical science, in the sense that all propositions should be verified by experiments. But Bertrand Russell once remarked that the principle of verifiability itself...
18 November 2014 3,939 54 View
Please help. Thanks
11 November 2014 9,471 3 View
The quantum field theoretic prediction for the vacuum energy density leads to a value for the effective cosmological constant that is incorrect by between 60 to 120 orders of magnitude. In a...
04 November 2014 8,785 9 View
Last week I found a way to solve the Riccati form of Navier-stokes equations using Mathematica. So what do you think? Your comments are welcome.
03 November 2014 3,071 5 View
In a rather old paper, Michael Heller argues that in certain cases it is possible to remove the initial singularity from cosmology models. He discusses b-boubdary and noncommutative geometry. So...
23 October 2014 4,057 65 View
One of often-cited paper by A. Sakharov described how Einstein's equations may be re-derived from vacuum fluctuations (see http://ufn.ru/ufn91/ufn91_5/Russian/r915i.pdf). One example here is H....
21 October 2014 779 22 View
In his paper, Zoltan Imre Szabo argues that he can derive Lamb shift without renormalization. In short, he proposes to use De Broglie geometry to remove infinities in QEd. So, what do you think?
09 October 2014 901 2 View
I just found a paper by Edward Wright (UCLA) on acoustic waves in the early universe. Allow me to ask: a. What is their frequency?, b. is there their imprint in CMb?, c. How can we model them...
29 September 2014 291 6 View
It is a common assumption that in General Relativity, electromagnetic fields cannot affect space-time curvature. But in a recent paper in Scirp, Dr. Algirdas Maknickas shows that this is not...
09 September 2014 3,058 71 View
The global solution of Navier-Stokes equations is one of the biggest mysteries in theoretical physics, and it belongs to list of Millenium problems by Clay Institute. But in a recent paper, Dr....
09 September 2014 8,473 18 View
It is well known, that the Standard Model has become one of the most successful physical theories so far. But the search for better theories is still going in, which is coined as Beyond Standard...
27 August 2014 7,420 11 View
We know that the Unified Field Theory is an elusive dream for theoretical physics. However, there were many proposals of UFT in the past. One interesting proposal is by M.J. Goodband, which he...
26 August 2014 6,063 21 View
In a recent paper, Yu-Gang Ma reports detection of antihelium-4 by RHIC-STAR team. Considering that our solar system is also composed of helium and hydrogen, then would propose a hypothesize that...
21 August 2014 171 8 View
According to Peter J. Lester, many farm lands suffer from the damages caused by urea fertilizer, for instance in many developing countries in Asia urea has been used for several decades in order...
20 August 2014 3,155 17 View
In PNAS, August 25, 2009 edition, Blake and Smoller argued that perhaps the standard terminologies of dark energy and cosmological constant are not required for explaining the accelerated...
14 August 2014 7,711 3 View
Some researchers begin to consider epidemics in scale free network. Does the ebola virus belong to this situation? See Abramson (2001) And what are its implicatins for ebola spread prediction and...
14 August 2014 7,695 13 View
While scientific cosmology rarely occurs in the work Karl Popper, nevertheless it is a subject that interested him. The problem now is whether falsifiability criterion can be used for cosmology...
05 August 2014 1,106 60 View
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a disorder which causes emotional instability, such as frequent anger etc. I once got a friend who suffers BPD and shows abrupt of anger many times...
02 July 2014 3,751 4 View
According to a 2004 report by Morgan, Ward, and Barton: "The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. ... survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in...
16 June 2014 6,398 28 View
Since Verlinde's proposal that gravitation is related to entropy, there have been many papers discussing or extending his hypothesis. In a recent paper, Basilakos and Sola reconsidered...
16 June 2014 807 4 View
In the attached paper from the Gauge Institute, the definition of differential in e-calculus is (see page 8): F'(x)={f(x+e)-f(x)}/e (1) where e is defined as an infinitesimal (i.e. it...
16 June 2014 5,963 9 View
In a rather old paper, Wagenmakers, Farrell and Ratcliff (2005) suggest that it is difficult to introduce Self-Organized Criticality and nonlinear dynamics to explain human behavior. They write:...
03 June 2014 5,490 14 View
According to Standard Model cosmology, the universe experiences accelerating expansion, which creates the need for dark energy models. But I read other possible theories, for example...
02 June 2014 6,011 22 View
Today I found an interesting paper by G. Poelz (retired from Hamburg University) which suggests that electrons have wave character, see http://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.0620.pdf. Basically he describes...
21 May 2014 4,891 12 View
It is well known that there are three symbols of ancient Israel, i.e. the Ark of the Covenant, the original Menorah of Tabernacle, and the tablets of stone from Sinai where the Ten Commandments...
20 May 2014 8,071 14 View
Schumann resonance can be loosely defined as resonant frequency of earth and ionosphere if they are modeled as waveguide. The frequency can be written as: f=7.5n Hz, where 7.5 Hz is defined as...
08 May 2014 1,138 6 View
Virtual particles are indeed real particles. Quantum theory predicts that every particle spends some time as a combination of other particles in all possible ways. These predictions are very well...
01 April 2014 5,112 76 View
In a 1966 paper, Strocchi shows that there exists formal correspondence between Poisson brackets and commutator brackets using complex coordinate. His paper was published in Rev. Mod. Phys. 38, 36...
20 March 2014 1,624 2 View
Over the years, many physicists have wondered whether the fundamental constants of nature might have been different when the universe was younger. If so, the evidence ought to be out there in the...
26 February 2014 3,847 10 View
According to I.B. Pestov (2004), time can be viewed as scalar temporal field. In his paper with title New Concept of Time and Gravity, he wrote: "A new concept of internal time (viewed as a scalar...
22 February 2014 4,845 7 View
Dr. Maureen Roberts descibes how one can withdraw from psychiatric drugs. See http://jungcircle.com/schiznatural.htm. Other useful reference is : http://www.schizophrenia.com/treatments.php. I...
20 February 2014 2,525 12 View
It is known that Higgs mechanism is right but the theory does not fully explain mass and gravitation (see for instance http://www.higgs-boson.org/). In the meantime, there is a rather old paper...
18 February 2014 8,048 16 View
I once had a colleague in a university, he was a professor of postgrad studies. About three years ago he suffered a bladder cancer, see for example: http://www.cancer.org/cancer/bladdercancer/....
10 February 2014 7,133 28 View
There is a quite recent paper (2011) by Santiago-German which says that the Einstein's general theory of relativity is formally equivalent to the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity...
29 January 2014 4,172 51 View
The universe may grow like a giant brain, according to a new computer simulation. The results, published Nov.16, 2012, in the journal Nature's Scientific Reports, suggest that some undiscovered,...
16 December 2013 7,490 21 View
Gödel’s incompleteness theorems have their own limitations, but so do Artificial Life (AL)/AI systems. Based on our experiences so far, human mind has incredible abilities to interact with other...
27 September 2013 8,596 7 View
This question may be related to hydrodynamics or aerodnamics of propeller airplane
19 August 2013 4,441 9 View