In his paper, Zoltan Imre Szabo argues that he can derive Lamb shift without renormalization. In short, he proposes to use De Broglie geometry to remove infinities in QEd.
The article seems to be very interesting and mathematically clearly satisfies high technical standards. The proposal is that Lamb shift - physically due to radiative corrections - could be derived without playing with infinities. To really understand the article would however require a lot of reading. Renormalization is a physical all established phenomenon and as such need not imply infinities. Maybe the problems of QFTs derive from the use of wrong mathematics. Dirac's bra and ket formalism involving delta functions is very practical but von Neumann algebras (three types of them) might provide an infinity free approach. I believe that also generalisation of particle concept from point like particle to extended object - 3-surface in TGD framework - is necessary. Hyper-finite factors of type II_1 as opposed to factors of type III appearing in algebraic approach to QFTs are natural in TGD framework and might actually reflect the replacement of particle with extended object.