31 Questions 103 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tadesse Fikre Teferra
We were trying to check the total alkaloid levels of underutilized wild species of plants with potential food use. We wanted to quantify the total alkaloids as anti-nutritional factors in the...
23 March 2022 7,106 4 View
The difference between Fischer's least significant difference (LSD) and Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) is that the former is more sensitive to small differences as it is based on a...
05 January 2022 635 3 View
I used to EndNote in the past and my library collapsed multiple times before I was done with a single manuscript writing. I am now using Mendeley for over 2 years and found it great. Mendeley is...
07 November 2021 6,084 18 View
I am basically looking for a free or limited functionality in a software that enables me merge, remove a page and convert a PDF file to word and back. Does anyone have suggestions? I have...
09 August 2021 4,249 14 View
We are trying to characterize the storage polysaccharides in Anchote (Cocsinia abyssinica), an indigenous food security crop. This crop has a special root characters and we suspect that the root...
09 August 2021 4,614 4 View
Ethiopia spent over $4.8 Billion over the last 9 years for the construction of the GERD with 6,000 Meggawatts of hydroelectric power. If the global average price of electricity is about $0.20 per...
16 September 2020 9,483 6 View
According to https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/, as of March 23, 2020 (3:00 PM, at GMT+3) About 87% of Corona cases have been reported to completely recover from the disease and got...
23 March 2020 2,282 7 View
I was wondering if there exists a company that manufactures a continuous pancakes, dosa or kisira making machine that can be used as such or tailermade for injera, an Ethiopian sour bread? Please...
12 July 2019 3,419 3 View
I have never used R stat before, because of the requirement of knowing programming language. But apparently, it is the only freely available program for statistics. I used SAS a couple of times. I...
18 April 2019 4,431 8 View
I was looking for any research reports or reviews on the health benefits of levan-type fructans compared to the inulin-types. What other applications are the levans attractive for? Thanks!
30 November 2017 3,915 3 View
It is obvious that the under- and over-nutrition problems are known as widespread nutrition problems in the population of the world. But which of the forms is more prevalent and how is its impact...
14 February 2017 5,654 5 View
I am planning to partially hydrolyze starch in grains and see if this affects protein digestibility. Does anyone know a simple technique or a reference on thinning the starch using alpha-amylase...
07 February 2017 7,033 3 View
I am looking for a publicly available data sets that I want to use for demonstration purposes in my statistics Class. I am looking for a versatile data nature that allows me to apply different...
02 February 2017 5,218 8 View
I am planning to use SEM for my research, and I read that FE-SEM is advantageous to the other SEM types. Can anyone give me a brief difference of the two and elaborate advantages of the FE-SEM....
20 January 2017 5,427 7 View
I am trying to see the differences in protein body surface and foldings among normal and high digestible protein varieties. Can any one share me a protocol on sample preparation and imaging using...
20 September 2016 5,882 1 View
I am working on sorghum improvement in terms of endosperm hardness, starch functionality (waxy/heterwaxy) and high protein digestibility. I am just looking for ideas and literatures on the...
28 July 2016 3,160 4 View
I am planing to report my data as Mean plus or minus contingencies. I know standard deviations are the ones that are most commonly used. But I have standard errors instead from a JMP analysis. Can...
06 June 2016 6,602 7 View
I have ready many articles about association of Vibrio vulnificus, V. cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus with sea foods like oyster. I just wanted to know why this shell fish groups are favorable...
11 May 2016 2,145 11 View
Is that possible to make gummy candy using pectin as a gelling agent? If so how can it be made to a strong chewy gummy candy? Are there any ingredients that may help in cross-linking the pectin...
11 May 2016 7,134 4 View
There have been growing interests by consumers for natural food and supplement ingredients. which one of Anti-oxidant categories are technically more efficient for application? the Natural (plant...
04 May 2016 970 1 View
The consumption of legumes/pulses and other whole foods is so minimal in developing countries. What are the factors behind? I know consumption of foods from these categories of foods has got...
18 January 2016 282 7 View
The postharvest losses of fruits in the tropics is very high and there are continuous efforts being exerted to overcome this challenge. I just wanted to here some research findings and/or success...
04 July 2015 1,468 7 View
The protein nutrients supplied to human body come either from plant (pulses, cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits) or animal (beef, mutton, chicken, fish and other sea animals) and some times from...
01 January 1970 9,750 5 View
Does any one have a tangible evidence showing the differences between organic foods and the conventional counterparts in terms of consumer health and environmental sustainability? Please share...
01 January 1970 3,385 1 View
In the modern precision breading, CRISPR cas 9 techniques of gene editing (deletion, insertion) is taking over the transgenic genetic engineering (GE) of crops and animals of importance to humans....
01 January 1970 3,147 6 View
I had two general questions: I was wondering if there is scientific theory behind the re-infection potential and rate on survivors of COVID-19. I have read a News Paper Report that Reinfection...
01 January 1970 1,401 7 View
Globalization has enabled fast mobility of people and goods around the globe. One of the often mentioned drawbacks of globalization has been diminishing of native cultures and social values. With...
01 January 1970 8,251 22 View
In response to a project call from BioInnovate Africa: https://lnkd.in/etkCGY67), I am looking for potential collaborators in the areas of legume breeding, #agronomy, and utilization (#processing)...
01 January 1970 3,566 0 View
It is reported that the world population will be exceeding 9 billion by 2050 and the food supply need to double (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/feeding-9-billion/) by then to be...
01 January 1970 8,377 4 View
Summary of an article published in Science Daily News on July 30, 2021 reads: "An international research team has shown that using solar-panels to produce microbial protein -- which is rich not...
01 January 1970 6,216 4 View
Cathinone, a monoamine alkaloid naturally found in the leaves and shrubs of Khat (Catha edulis) is reportedly responsible for the stimulating effects of the leaves which is chewed for recreational...
01 January 1970 8,922 0 View