14 Questions 33 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suzanne Jubair
Dear colleagues, how can I know the components and the function of the each buffer used in DNA extraction kit based on the adsorption technique? Knowing that the required information are not...
08 August 2018 524 6 View
Hi In the assay of total antioxidant capacity using ELISA kit purchased from Mybiosource company /US , at one of the detection steps and after adding HRP-antibody conjugate, I must add two...
08 August 2018 2,280 1 View
EC is the accession number of CYP1B1 enzyme. I know that the first number '1' refers to the major class of the enzyme catalysis reaction, I want to understand the meaning of the rest of...
08 August 2018 8,597 9 View
Dear colleagues, i need a free link to download graphpad prism
07 July 2018 5,006 2 View
Hi I want to understand who to extract an enzyme such as a restriction endoneuclease from a bacteria such as E-coli, what is the simplest technique?
07 July 2018 7,176 6 View
is there a fingerprint for each gene or the fingerprint character is special for the total genome of each person, and what does it mean to have a genetic fingerprint ?
07 July 2018 8,896 15 View
using buffers is almost always being demanded in the analytical procedures related to the biological fluids, so what is the general purpose of using buffer solution ?
07 July 2018 3,040 9 View
is there a difference between genetic variation and mutation?
07 July 2018 9,755 13 View
what is the normal range for CYP1B1 enzyme concentration in human serum?
07 July 2018 3,417 0 View
Hi Dear colleagues I have received the referees' reports from a journal that i had submit a research article into for publication.the referees asked me some questions in their reports, i wrote...
07 July 2018 8,120 13 View
in the synthesis of TaqI endonuclease using Ecoli strain by NEB company for example, where from they get the gene coded for this enzyme, what is the function of this enzyme in the original...
07 July 2018 4,038 4 View
Enzymes have activity and concentration. which assay is more reliable in case I want to study the role of some enzyme on some clinical case. Is it determining its activity or its concentration...
07 July 2018 8,704 5 View
Many researchers tend to register the DNA sequence that they work on in NCBI or DDBJ or EMBL. What is the benefit of the registration for the researcher and for in general and what is the...
07 July 2018 2,991 5 View
Hi Dear colleagues, i had registered 3 DNA fragments in NCBI through DDBJ gene bank , i understand that the two gene banks in addition to EMBL gene bank are linked and the data is interchanged...
07 July 2018 6,046 2 View