44 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suresh Kumar Govindarajan
Can Gas Hydrates (a Green House Gas) quicken the Climate Change (Warming)?
11 November 2018 7,250 18 View
Whether NUMERICAL MODELS have really become the ARTIFACTs of inversion of field data to estimate hydraulic parameters in the context of modeling fluid flow through porous media?
11 November 2018 2,412 3 View
Consideration of fluid pressure at the pore-scale, while considering the fluid velocity (Darcy flux) as an average over the Representative Elementary Volume in the same Darcy’s law. How does...
11 November 2018 4,132 13 View
El-Nino and North-East Monsoon in Peninsular INDIA: What is the actual physics that relates these two? An analysis of the spatial distribution of the composite rainfall for El-Nino (La-Nina)...
10 October 2018 1,252 0 View
Pore Scale Modeling (PSM) for describing fluid flow through porous medium: Is it significantly different from Darcy’s macroscopic-scale modelling? Variations of fluid velocity and pore-geometry...
10 October 2018 2,311 3 View
If the initial waters mix and subsequently react, whether - Can we interpret net geo-chemical mass-balance reactions between an initial and final water along a flow path?
10 October 2018 2,828 0 View
Darcy - by itself - refers to a porous system at the macroscopic scale; and it emphasizes strongly that we are NOT supposed to look at the details - even - at the microscopic-scale. Given this...
09 September 2018 4,353 1 View
Diffusivity equation for describing oil flow through a petroleum reservoir is deduced by coupling mass and momentum conservation equations. In many cases, the oil flow within the reservoir is...
09 September 2018 8,318 0 View
Can we assess the production performance of CBM Reservoirs- producing under the influence of matrix shrinkage effects - using the conventional p/z method? Any major limitation associated with this...
05 May 2018 1,276 0 View
Is it possible to measure the average reservoir pressure using a pressure build-up test (PBU) OR static gradient surveys (SGS) in a typical CBM Reservoir? What are the associated limitations?
05 May 2018 4,220 0 View
Will it be feasible to estimate the changes in pore-volume of the cleat network resulting from coal-matrix shrinkage (due to gas desorption) driven by reservoir pressure depletion?
05 May 2018 9,289 1 View
The "permeability-loss" term is associated with pressure depletion, while the "permeability-gain" is associated with the coal-matrix shrinkage in a CBM Reservoir. Both are expected to occur...
05 May 2018 2,321 0 View
How will you measure the "Well Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure" using the Permanent Downhole Gauge (PDG) in a typical CBM Reservoir? Do they still lead to production loss due to shut-in periods?
05 May 2018 1,977 0 View
Given the current status, how many more years will it take for the gas hydrates to be the dominant/sustainable energy resource all over the globe (considering the issues such as potential gas...
01 January 2018 9,653 2 View
Is there an improved technique to estimate the average reservoir pressure (and flowing bottom hole pressure) associated with a CBM reservoir under a significant matrix shrinkage effect resulting...
01 January 2018 8,228 1 View
Is there a standard technique in order to identify a new marine gas hydrate reservoir (excluding using BSR)? If so, Can a petroleum-reservoir based model be used for the gas hydrate-filled...
01 January 2018 2,948 3 View
Petroleum (Oil/Gas): Are they NO more an Essential Energy Resource(for Energy Security)? Are the "Conceptual Modeling" and the "Reservoir Characterization" (of a Petroleum Reservoir) made...
01 January 1970 4,329 3 View
Is there any potential low-carbon energy resource in the near future - other than - gas-hydrates?
01 January 1970 7,883 3 View
Despite gas hydrate's role as a potential future energy resource, why does gas-hydrates present a large threat to the conventional oil and gas industry? The estimated value of global gas hydrates...
01 January 1970 1,226 6 View
The world has 3000 billion barrels of remaining oil (more than half of the World’s Oil Reserves) and 3000 trillion SCF gas in place (nearly half of the World’s Gas Reserves) in carbonate...
01 January 1970 1,290 18 View
We do have velocity variations (with reference to magnitude and direction) within an individual pore; as well as along the various (tortuous) pores (along the direction of fluid flow). But still,...
01 January 1970 727 3 View
Only Japan and China have been successful so far in extracting methane from gas-hydrate fields, albeit the fact that nearly 40 countries have carried out marine gas-hydrate explorations: Why is...
01 January 1970 9,227 4 View
India is “water stressed” as on date, while it may become “water-scarce” by 2040. Is it so? [Less than 1700 m**3/person/year as water stressed and less than 1000 m**3/person/year as water-scare]
01 January 1970 7,662 1 View
Why did Tamil Nadu (only 50 cyclones) experience the least number of CYCLONE LANDFALLs along the East Coast of Peninsular India in comparison with that of West Bengal (70 cyclones), Andhra Pradesh...
01 January 1970 3,376 1 View
It has become so difficult now to predict, even the onset of North-East Monsoon in Peninsular INDIA: Why is it so? Global warming could be the cause? El-Nino could be the cause? A complex...
01 January 1970 248 4 View
Methane (along with CO2): A potential threat to climate stability? How possibly, the methane hydrate reservoirs would respond to future climate changes? Global methane fluxes from various...
01 January 1970 6,595 3 View
Do we really have brains with varying characterization for men and women? Is it so difficult to strike a balance between emotion and intelligence for both the genders comfortably?
01 January 1970 2,164 7 View
Where exactly, are we supposed to focus on the inhibition of hydrate-dissociation? Should the focus be confined only within the drill-pipe associated with the gas-hydrate bearing sediments? Or...
01 January 1970 2,226 1 View
Whether the permeability enhancement resulting from swelling of shale expansion has NO use at all? Background: Shale expansion from swelling increases the resultant over-burden stress in the...
01 January 1970 6,475 2 View
Desalination plants: From polymer-based to graphene-based: Whether graphene-based sieves can efficiently filter out salts? Whether the pore-size down to the atomic-scale (closer to 1...
01 January 1970 715 3 View
CFD: When the solution algorithm is iterative in nature, and if the solution converges, then, Can we, by default, take it for granted that the associated fluid flow properties were...
01 January 1970 7,678 6 View
If we have the following 2 different data set: Date set 1: Lab-scale Core samples average: 10 milli-Darcy Field-scale Reservoir average: 100 milli-Darcy with a relatively small standard...
01 January 1970 450 3 View
Won't the (spilled) oil sink (in ocean) in the absence of any additional ingredients (like suspended solids) - that will increase the density of oil (to be greater than water) - and thereby -...
01 January 1970 10,098 0 View
Would the curtailed Oil shipments by Saudi Arabia (by Dec 2018) - REALLY influence the American Shale?
01 January 1970 5,212 0 View
While measuring MMP, How do the experiments such as Vanishing-IFT method, Slim-tube test; and Rising-bubble method really account for the variations in reservoir temperature and oil composition as...
01 January 1970 4,117 0 View
In a Petroleum Reservoir, Can we approximate an Oil-Water system to have the effective density of water but with the compressibility of oil? If so, when does the source of error get accumulated?
01 January 1970 499 1 View
Fossil fuel’s dominance keeps continuing: Are the Renewable Energies just an addition and how long will it take to really replace the fossil fuels by the renewable energies? IEA report says that...
01 January 1970 1,884 3 View
When agriculture (24%) and electricity generation (25%) together contribute nearly to one half of the green-house gas emissions {apart from transportation (14%); manufacturing (21%), building..."> When agriculture & electricity together contribute nearly 50% of green-house gas emissions, Will "Renewable Energy" alone be "THE SOLUTION" for GW? We use cookies to make interactions with our website easy and meaningful, to better understand the use of our services, and to tailor advertising. For further information, including about cookie settings, please read our Cookie Policy . By continuing to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies.
01 January 1970 727 4 View
Can particles travel faster than speed of light? If so, would the concept of "time" still remain the same? Are there particles with greater than zero rest mass (that can be accelerated to a speed...
01 January 1970 9,007 4 View
Is it practically feasible to experimentally validate that the length of the pressure waves in a highly consolidated saturated fractured reservoir (having a very low fracture density) to remain...
01 January 1970 4,560 1 View
Theoretically, Primary Recovery comes to an end, when a pressure equilibrium is established between the oil field and the atmosphere. Will it ever happen in REALITY?
01 January 1970 1,511 2 View
Is it feasible to find an actual field scenario, where primary imbibition occurs associated with a petroleum reservoir? Background: Primary imbibition refers to the imbibition process commencing...
01 January 1970 6,901 1 View
Is it really difficult to get the data (from the field) on the pressure-interval (with the lower and upper limits) required for a near-miscible flooding as against the easier single-point pressure...
01 January 1970 4,817 1 View
Meinzer (1928) clearly projected that there will be a reduction of reservoir porosity resulting from the fluid production from the reservoir. Further, Meinzer (1937) estimated that there will be a...
01 January 1970 2,814 4 View