14 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sarwar J. Minar
What AI weaponry means to you? what are the types?
07 April 2024 3,259 1 View
I am trying to use machine learning techniques to document analysis or text analysis, so, what could be some of the initial steps to start machine learning tools for document analysis?
25 August 2023 9,203 4 View
With the spread of internet-transmitted documents a vast number of literature is available on internet now a days. Though some are behind the pay wall, the title and abstracts are still...
31 October 2022 8,868 4 View
Like human beings, various professors have various qualities. What are the most important aspects / qualities / features of a professor you appreciate the most?
22 March 2020 7,858 24 View
While almost everyone agrees that the corona virus outbreak is going to have adverse impact on national economies and world economy, how exactly would you measure the impact of corona virus...
20 March 2020 2,625 27 View
How to properly cite interviews in the following cases: 1. "in-text" and "footnote" and their bibliography (both with consent of using names and anonymous) 2. using software like Mendeley, Zotero...
24 February 2020 1,996 1 View
Is there any guideline for measuring peoples' PERCEPTION about a change or new policy adopted by the government of any organization?
21 February 2020 8,221 11 View
I came across this : 1) If the journal is indexed in Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR), then it is International Journal (scholarly quality) What is your thought? How do you evaluate?
14 February 2020 4,193 11 View
People around the world are now nervous and confused about 'Corona Virus' . What are the differences between corona virus induced fever/cold/cough and normal fever/cold/cough ?
01 February 2020 7,835 4 View
What are the rationale for small states to contribute to peacekeeping operations? It seems like many small states are contributing more peacekeepers than the middle/great powers, what explains...
21 January 2020 8,996 10 View
How to assess the perception of the local people towards refugees or immigrants? Please mention any theoretical framework to assess the perception of local people towards immigrants/refugees?
04 September 2018 8,730 2 View
I have hundreds of citations in word file, instead of manually adding one by one to Mendeley, is there a way to transfer/convert them automatically or at a time? What would be most efficient way...
01 January 1970 8,034 4 View
Various pandemic diseases have taught us various lessons from time to time, lastly, the spread of corona virus spread has shown how fickle human condition or survival is in face of sudden outbreak...
01 January 1970 3,885 9 View
How does your brain respond? Do you find yourself more interested in negative news than positive news? How about when you spread news about others? Well, it doesn't necessarily make you a good or...
01 January 1970 4,437 0 View