31 Questions 398 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Renaud Di Francesco
In public life, democratic mechanisms can be misused. Fitting electoral rules to desired results is called Gerrymandering to remember a prominent politician who was an expertin such Machiavellian...
04 January 2024 2,816 0 View
The Covid shock Covid19 caught us by surprise. The previous comparable event had happened 100 years earlier and it had been named the Spanish flu, and it probably killed more people than World War...
12 September 2023 1,139 2 View
Challenge faced worldwide: a new spread of Covid We all have lived through Covid19, across the world. Prior to the availability of vaccines, Non-Pharmaceutic Interventions by health-aware...
12 September 2023 5,289 2 View
I have looked at data base management and applications, data-sets and their use in different contexts. I have looked at digital in general, and I have noticed that there seems to be a single...
14 July 2023 5,962 2 View
Is Leg-tec providing a solution? How do you train legal workers and civil servants to using digital technology and remove errors by accessing the right text/version of the Law of interest,...
13 June 2023 7,316 4 View
I have put together a geometric method to compute the sum of the power p of the first n integers. Do you know of previous articles? A more general framework? Suggestions of applications? I carve...
13 September 2022 6,440 6 View
If we want to assess if a phenomenon is going in a direction we expect, we can simulate it, using digital models, possibly agent models factoring in known properties and interaction features. We...
13 February 2021 1,460 21 View
Data sets, when structured, can be put in vector form (v(1)...v(n)), adding time dependency it's v(i, t) for i=1...n and t=1...T. Then we have a matrix of terms v(i, j)... Matrices are important,...
31 January 2021 9,583 6 View
The collapse of the British currency since the campaign for the Referendum on the Exit from the European Union, in 2015, when it was exchanged as 1GBP for 1.43 euro at its peak value then, has...
14 December 2020 8,836 23 View
Digital Twin NEWS! -ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC41-IoT has launched its Digital Twin framework standardisation at its Nov. Plenary. -Edge Computing & Networking, from VLSI to AI and back, in real time when...
28 November 2020 9,197 10 View
At the cross-roads of Technology for Advanced Manufacturing, involving robots and humans, and Digitised Economic Sectors, is a governance matter for Cognitive Manufacturing [1] and rules of the...
22 November 2020 7,460 20 View
One observation is that in any city (those I know) you have humans, of course, but you also have many animals. Statistics of humans start with population data (for instance demographics) and...
09 November 2020 4,395 6 View
For audiovisual applications, the ultimate criteria has been the human perception, assessed in well calibrated subjective testing, which become objective criteria if performed with the right...
16 July 2020 7,812 6 View
After the sanitary emergency of Covid19 which has brought the economy to a halt, recession, and jobs at risk, governments around the world prepare investment plans. Again as usual with Covid19,...
30 June 2020 6,181 33 View
In countries now at the top of the league for death scores, invincibility myths have been propagated by some politicians, and mirrored by the press, in the early phase of the pandemic. Are there...
28 May 2020 4,862 10 View
Are there scientific evidence and studies on why do some people seem not to care at all about spreading the virus to others, and how many they may be? The UK press discusses the case of a famous...
23 May 2020 9,424 60 View
With Covid19, we have seen digital transformation happening so much faster: everyone able to do this was suddenly working from home, using the internet and the available digital access and...
21 May 2020 6,071 22 View
Have you considered the interaction time? Its detailed form? Please share your input My ref: Covid-19: Modelling propagation with Agent Based Models (ABM...
06 May 2020 1,033 11 View
Whereas in most countries Covid19 deaths in hospitals are published daily, there seems to be less visibility or transparency for death at home, or deaths in elderly care homes. A model was...
28 April 2020 8,676 37 View
In a recent Webinar of the US National Academy of Medicine, Dr Johnn-Martin Lowe has presented an overview of publications on this topic and the results of his own...
11 April 2020 4,156 7 View
Many countries are in lockdown to reduce the impact of Covid19. This method has been proven to work in China (Wuhan) and previously in those US cities which triggered it early and firmly in the...
07 April 2020 9,969 10 View
Social distancing now enforced in many countries requires that there is a minimum distance between people in any public place. 1. Distancing and density A consequence of social distancing, when...
02 April 2020 10,005 29 View
The mostly adopted pedestrian or cyclist navigation systems are derived from car navigation systems, where the pedestrian is "a car with no wheels, and two feet instead". This gives a bias from...
30 March 2020 636 8 View
What factors brought the euro value of the GBP from 1.5 euro in 2004 to 1.06 euro today? A -41% loss, of the British Pound, that's a lot. How could this happen? Is it a cause a consequence of...
26 March 2020 9,226 18 View
Is the absence of decision by UK and NL to enforce social distanciation against Covid19 (unlike China, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, USA, etc) caused by memory loss of the positive effects of...
17 March 2020 2,045 27 View
Wind turbines are intermittent, and energy gets produced, not necessarily matching needs. Solar panels require large surfaces... Vegetals for energy require water sun and time, as well as land...
28 December 2019 2,686 4 View
One has the impression that in the current commercial navigation platform, driving are the first concern, and pedestrians come as a second thought. This seems quite unsatisfactory in the city of...
29 April 2019 7,718 1 View
Smart Cities are the intersection of multiple traffic flows for the transportation of people and freight. How to optimise the throughput of such flows, and keep the city safe and sustainable (for...
29 April 2019 3,937 3 View
When a classical legacy system such as a manufacturing production line, gets upgraded with a deterministic module replaced by an AI module, what are the criteria to consider, and how to adapt...
22 April 2019 9,891 4 View
The demographic challenge of many regions of planet earth is the increased proportion of elderly persons versus younger persons. A family of technologies to alleviate the burden and make live for...
22 April 2019 5,332 1 View
AI Datasets can serve multiple phase purpose: -1) training dataset To learn the weights of the neurons -2) checking dataset An independent Dataset assessing that the trained model works properly...
01 January 1970 3,433 3 View