Are there scientific evidence and studies on why do some people seem not to care at all about spreading the virus to others, and how many they may be?

The UK press discusses the case of a famous senior government adviser who travelled from London to the North, 260 miles, knowingly at high risk to be infected since his wife was, while the UK had a travel ban

BBC News - Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings rejects calls to quit as PM's chief adviser

In Scotland a health minister had to resign for having infringed the travel ban to visit her second house.

The message given, as the press sees it, is that Law makes exceptions for some, who are well connected, but hits hard on normal citizens

More significant at statistical level was the massive travel from Milan to Southern Italy, by Milan residents. They carried the virus South, in deprived areas where hospitals had not anticipated the Milanese flow...

Data is available for this exodus from Lombardy to the South of Italy.

Strange behaviour...

Do we have figures on this anti-social behaviour, "homo homini lupus" where the man is a wolf to other men (image used by philosopher Hobbes).

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