17 Questions 93 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nandagopal Murugan
HI all, This is a basic clarification, where I generally copy citation from Google scholar (typing title of article, and search to download the citation with API and other formats available to...
04 April 2018 6,840 2 View
An enzymatic functional protein has been targeted using small molecule compound. We succesfuly found that the compound has inhibited the growth of the organism. But, we found mRNA for that...
04 April 2018 943 4 View
During NGS library preparation or any Bead based DNA washes carried out to remove below threshold size DNA based on the concentration of Ampure XP beads used in the respective steps. Still I...
12 December 2017 3,676 0 View
Recently I found there are many CRISPR genes among my Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome study. My query is whether these could be adapted from any viral or other microbes or it is innate in some of...
08 August 2016 8,877 5 View
Dear researchers, I have identified the presence of efflux pump genes in only 65% of Pseudomonas and absent in 35% of Pseudomonas strains. Where detection of the gene by PCR targeting MexAB-oprM...
11 November 2015 1,048 1 View
As per my research, drives me to inhibit a particular gene which codes for a protein involves in multiple functions. After treating the cells with my designed drug against that protein, i have...
06 June 2015 9,865 7 View
Dear Scientists, I would like to inhibit a growth or particular gene of bacteria (Ex. E.coli or P aeruginosa ) using Small interferring RNA . Can you suggest me a good protocol - related...
06 June 2015 5,888 0 View
Suggest me a journal with above 3 impact factor- Free/or below 700 Usd publication for Microbial genome sequencing -NGS based study? Especially Review period with in short duration (1-2...
02 February 2015 1,022 2 View
Dear scientists, I have an enormous number of pseudomonas aeruginosa drug resistant strains, I would like to analyse the gene transfer ability of those bacteria through conjugation experiment. As...
01 January 2015 6,223 10 View
Can anyone explain me , what is cassette arrays flanked by the 5′-CS and 3'-CS, whether it should be 5--3 only or it can be in any direction or repeats? I have searched for ISKpn4a gene in...
12 December 2014 6,758 1 View
Dear Researchers, One of My friend completed M.Sc., M.Phil., Computer science, He wants to do Ph.D in Computer science, he is skilled in scripting and other computer languages, hence, I suggested...
12 December 2014 6,741 2 View
Dear scientist, Am having a small molecule ( selected by in silicomethod) to target a gene or protein (x) which involves in cell division of bacteria. 1) I want to prove that the small molecule...
11 November 2014 1,550 4 View
I have an query on how a female egg chooses its best sperm even though both X & Y carrying sperms reaches the egg at same time, in which chemical or biological or (God decision) made it to get...
11 November 2014 6,714 4 View
Dear scientists, Am working in pseudomonas bacteria, where i could find lot of resistant genes, but when i extract the same with plasmid DNA extraction kit, no dna could be extracted. Is there any...
09 September 2014 4,235 9 View
Dear scientist, I would like to know how to write a international research article with respect to my findings of novel drug resistant genes and genomic islands of complete genome bacteria. I Feel...
08 August 2014 9,569 0 View
Dear Researchers, Can you please clarify my doubt on the possibility for viral DNA extraction from blood/serum will be of only pure viral DNA or it would carry both viral and human DNA. Is it good...
08 August 2014 7,558 5 View
Dear friends, Other than sequencing error, what could be the reason for this high no of Pseudogenes in many bacteria?
08 August 2014 8,914 3 View