18 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Danish Ali
Hello to everyone. I want to know which software is best to identify the FTIR peaks. I was using Knowitall, but now they are allowing limited access, so on free access, we cannot check the...
07 November 2023 9,409 2 View
I submit a paper in a journal and the reviewer asks for the revision. In revision, I received these comments can anyone help me to guide me on it? He said " Figure 9: Determination of optical...
16 August 2023 2,866 1 View
AssalamoAlaikum Hello Everyone hope you are doing well. Yesterday I received an email from my supervisor in which he mentioned that to make a new proposal on the Topic of CO2 storage/capture as...
30 November 2022 613 6 View
The chemical expression style is wrong. We need to mention the trivial (common) names of the chemicals used and not their linear formula. A linear formula can express the isomer also! It is...
30 January 2022 2,884 0 View
I have updated my manuscript but its the third time the reviewer send me this comment again. What are the probable redox reaction during cyclic voltammetry? Could anyone guide me on this,...
29 December 2021 8,400 11 View
" It is rare to use an LCR meter to characterize the electromagnetic shielding performance of materials. Please give details of the test process and explain the basis for choosing this test...
21 September 2021 5,682 5 View
I have calculated the J-V characteristics of the materials but little bit confused about Explanation. Can anyone guide me on this while the voltages are zero and the J-V curve show some +ve...
01 August 2021 7,994 3 View
In 2020 I had completed My M.Phil. and due to corona lockdown, I can not get a visa from the embassy so I worked on different research projects and apply for reviewing the research papers. I have...
03 March 2021 4,383 9 View
I am working on TiO2 composite material and the results of XRD have a lot of small/junk peaks and while I apply a smooth filter in Origin then the other characteristics peaks disappear so anyone...
27 February 2021 8,543 3 View
I have Submitted 2,3 Papers in Science Direct associated Journals but the time of the first decision has been ended so What should I do? Could I email them to remind them about the first decision?
02 February 2021 6,015 7 View
I have submitted a paper in a journal and the reviewers reply to me with this. Can anyone guide me on this how to solve it Thanks in advance Figure 4: (i) the image presented in panel (a) shows...
16 December 2020 795 6 View
Hello, Everyone! I am working on TiO2 composites and our prepared materials solution has a pH of 13 which is totally basic, and the process of pH value decrement is too slow could any please...
12 November 2020 7,699 10 View
I have visited many websites for scholarship position and in almost every position the supervisor mentioned a motivation letter for the position. Now my question is Is it necessary for a...
04 September 2020 3,622 4 View
Hi dear all, I have completed my Master's from the University of Punjab, Pakistan in experimental Physics. With this, I have written a thesis and also submit three research papers which are...
31 August 2020 1,579 10 View
I want to publish my paper and Is it necessary to add a supervisor in my Research paper? Or any chances of acceptance without a supervisor ??
09 March 2020 5,347 8 View
can anyone guide me about the Journals, basically I want to publish my paper and I want to publish my paper in a 5,6 impact factor journal so please guide me in which journal is best. In my paper,...
08 March 2020 3,625 8 View
I am very confused about Reflection losses of my material. is there any one who can guide me about Reflection losses and Could you provide me the exact Solved equation to calculate Reflection...
14 December 2019 729 1 View
I wanna calculate the value of Magnetic susceptibility and magnetic permeability form my characterization graph in origin. Is there any related video can you suggest??
30 September 2019 1,827 2 View