I submit a paper in a journal and the reviewer asks for the revision. In revision, I received these comments can anyone help me to guide me on it?
He said " Figure 9: Determination of optical band gap for --- nanoparticles with various concentrations (x = --). It is not again drawn properly; it seems like a tangent instead of a straight line from the curve using Tauc plots. I suggest drawing again in such a way that they interpolate the straight line from the curve."
"Since Eq. (33) is not suitable to calculate the magnetic anisotropy then it should have been removed from the revised manuscript. But, the Author retained it in the revised manuscript. I recommend the following articles once again to estimate the magnetic anisotropy using the Morrish law of saturation and all the articles to be cited in the revised manuscript with proper scientific discussions otherwise your article will be rejected."
Sometimes we can not understand a simple line and some others can understand that line easily so please guide me on this.
Thanks again in advance