6 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Milad Shojaeian
Dear all, I want to do the implantation in a SOI wafer through the device layer which is n-type (phosphorous) with initial resistivity of 10-20 ohm.cm (which leads to a concentration of around...
08 March 2023 2,952 0 View
Hello, I want to pattern a thick layer of elastomer, preferably PDMS, with a thickness range of 500um to 1mm with rectangular pattern sizes of minimum 100*10 um^2 and maximum 1000*100 um^2. I...
07 December 2022 7,821 3 View
Hi every one I used the e-beam evaporation technique to deposit a layer of 200 nm of copper. However, after the deposition, many black dots (like the pinholes in SiN layer deposited by PECVD)...
03 September 2021 1,957 6 View
Hi, I deposited around 150nm Nickel on a silicon nitride layer, and I would like to know about the magnetization properties of the thin film (i.e Nickel). Would it be possible to do so by...
07 May 2021 3,198 5 View
A100nm of Chromium is used as a sacrificial layer which is to be removed in order to have a microcantilever suspended. However, after wet etching of Chromium, immersing in DI water, and drying by...
20 January 2020 2,365 4 View
Hi, I need to deposit a sacrificial layer (e.g., Al, Cr, or SiO2) with a high selectivity to Si3N4, Ni, and Ti. For example, I am thinking about KOH for Al, or H2O2 for Cr. Can you give me any...
28 July 2019 3,394 4 View