10 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mehrdad Rabiei
Hi, In the fiollowing paper I would like to know what is the meaning of mix in dsrB forward primer? Diversity analysis of sulfite- and sulfate-reducing microorg... DSR1762F2 DSR1728FmixB dsrB...
11 November 2019 8,715 4 View
I was trying to find alpha, beta and gamma diversities in the Brock biology of microorganisms book, but there is no such info in. Similarly, I could not find evenness and richness phrases. I have...
01 January 1970 1,960 8 View
I was asked to provide the 16S rRNA gene primer's name. I designed the primer for 16S rRNA gene with these details. 926F and 1392R primer Pair I googled its name but I did not catch anything....
01 January 1970 8,218 4 View
In taxonomy bar plot, I have some Archaea domains while I used bacterial 16S rRNA primer sets. How possible to justify it?
01 January 1970 1,193 1 View
I have two treatment groups of sample plus a group control. Each treatment and control have own three replicates. I am using Qiime2 for data analysis. I am in dilemma to the following ways below....
01 January 1970 4,545 4 View
Hello Dear Friends, Hope you are doing well! I have a question regarding the two phrases: 1. reference sequence 2. reference taxonomy What is the difference between them? What makes them...
01 January 1970 2,874 1 View
I need to creat a standard curve for a qPCR assay by plasmid, after plasmid extraction, I run electrophorasis assay to check its quality. I visualized small nucleic acids in the lower layers...
01 January 1970 3,267 1 View
Could you please tell me for what reasons we should use a cloned DNA segement as a standard to find out how much a certain gene expressed? If you need an example, take a look the Quantitative PCR...
01 January 1970 8,773 4 View
Dear researchers, As you know, it might be some ambiguity nucleotides in primer oligos appeared. For example, in my case, which I took the forward and reverse primers from a paper, there are some...
01 January 1970 4,592 2 View
I could not find the PCR amplicon length by a primer set mentioned in a paper. I googled and followed the references, but not worked. Have you got any suggestion?
01 January 1970 7,771 5 View