35 Questions 38 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Meenakshi Kohli
There is usually airgap between a radiating element and metasurface and I want to calculate the phase delay analytically. Like what is the reflecting phase from the meta? What is the phase delay...
07 March 2024 7,152 1 View
So, it used to be under the 1D results. now in 2021 CST, I donot see it under 1D results. I have checked, Uner the POst-Processing tab, in the S-Parameter calculations; calculate Z parameter is...
30 August 2022 9,440 2 View
I have been working on Helix antenna and want to explore bifilar or quadrifilar helix antenna. What are their advantages over a monofilar helix antenna. Any recommendation on papers/articles or...
19 May 2021 5,233 2 View
Can I please ask for good articles/papers/ thesis on Flat Lens Antenna to study? Is it metamaterial or antenna having a metamaterial at the back? I am looking at this:...
01 March 2021 5,783 3 View
I am simulating helix antenna in hfss, right now, giving excitation with 50 ohms port. When I see the results of Z parameter (real). It shows lower than 50 ohms. Do not understand, if it can be...
28 February 2021 4,628 7 View
Dealing with a helix antenna, made with flexible material and not rigid like using a PCB board or wire. At the beginning of the helix is too close to the ground plane, causing coupling. How can I...
22 February 2021 4,749 3 View
Could I please get the guidance on Helix antenna operated from 1.5 - 1.8 GHz. I am designing in hfss and not able to cover 1.5 GHz. Could I get papers or suggestions on numbers I use to cover this...
03 February 2021 834 7 View
Should I make 2 antennas, one for 2.4 GHz and one for 5.8 GHz? How should I approach the problem if I want to design the antennas which cover 400 and 900 MHz and 2.4 and 5.8 GHz? All together in...
27 January 2021 1,125 3 View
So, I have a design, two dipoles working at UHF and VHF. We fed using a diplexer. I am having difficulties with the testing using network analyzer. VHF passes but UHF, specially at 400 MHZ, the...
27 January 2021 8,955 8 View
I have a design with 2 dipoles working at different frequencies joined in one system and separated by Ferrite. I think, Ferrite was used to minimize the interference between 2 antennas as much as...
26 January 2021 6,361 3 View
Helical antenna usually have fixed spacing between the coils. What is the advantage of varying the spacing between the helical antennas? Varying the pitch angle. Thank you for your guidance in...
22 January 2021 9,075 4 View
So, I came across, where antennas are being tested in a building ( a plant), where all sorts of big equipment are around and of course the ceiling. lot of multipath which can affect the...
22 January 2021 9,818 3 View
So, I have a helix antenna designed for 400 to 900 MHz. This antenna is designed using fabric and as a fabric, it gets wavy and scrambled which changes the performance of the helix. I am thinking...
14 January 2021 2,649 4 View
Need suggestions on how to do impedance matching on helical antenna? I want the antenna to be as light as possible so not going towards the balun right now. using a resistance may decrease the...
12 January 2021 1,721 7 View
Reading about helical antenna before begin to design. How many turns should a helix have? How can I determine good number of turns? I know Length of the antenna = NS. Should I just play with the...
07 January 2021 3,382 2 View
How can I know how much power an antenna can handle? I know P = I^2*R, but here I only know R = 50 ohms. how to determine, this antenna can handle this much power? I am working on dipole and helix...
06 January 2021 8,910 13 View
I exported my design to dxf file but in the dxf file it only shows the drawing and no dimensions. How can I add dimensions in the drawing in the dxf file while exporting in cst?
24 September 2020 3,838 5 View
So, I need to design an impedance transformer from 50 to 250 ohms. Should I design a 50 ohm power splitter and then design a transformer from 50 to 250 ohms? Because, in power splitter, I am going...
14 July 2020 5,793 2 View
Microstrip width does matter in impedance but does the thickness of metal also affect the impedance?
29 June 2020 5,558 18 View
I do not have much space in my design to put waveguide port with correct dimensions. Can i make it short and will waveguide port work properly in short dimensions?...
23 June 2020 7,962 6 View
Could I please get some advise and suggestions on the gain of metamaterial enabled antenna? would gain of -3 dBi works for wearable antenna?
26 April 2020 8,454 5 View
I designed planar circular monopole antenna . Its gain is 3.89 dBi and realized gain is also 3.89 dBi. Should there be difference of 10 dB in the values of Gain and Realized gain? Please guide
27 January 2020 1,957 14 View
If I want to use Denim or Felt fabric as a substrate, What is the dielectric constant for these materials? I am designing a wearable meta material . Thanks in Adance
08 November 2019 4,629 5 View
My project is to design an antenna for wearable applications. Right now my substrate is PTFE (Teflon) but that is just plastic I think. I am looking for suggestions on the substrate. Can I use...
25 August 2019 5,409 8 View
Can I please have suggestions where to buy PTFE (Teflon) from USA? I need to fabricate my antenna and substrate is PTFE (Teflon). Any recommendations please?
15 August 2019 734 4 View
any paper links
10 June 2019 9,752 4 View
I am working on a metamaterial enabled antenna. The thickness altogether from the antenna element to the ground plane of metamaterial (this includes the gap between antenna and the metamaterial)...
22 April 2019 5,463 3 View
I am working on wearable antenna and will be using conductive fabric. Looking for small connectors to feed the antenna. Please suggest Thank you in advance
12 September 2018 9,027 6 View
What Material should be Used for Metamaterial Dielectric and Substrate to cover frequency bandwidth from 2-6 GHz. Please guide.
06 March 2017 6,624 3 View
How does it affect the impedance and radiation pattern of Archimedean Spiral antenna if the width of the turns are wider, if no. of turns gets increased or the spacing between the turns increased...
05 January 2017 6,659 6 View
How can I design a Twin Lead Transformer of impedance 180 ohms? I need this impedance transformer between coaxial cable and my Spiral antenna. Please guide me.
26 August 2016 286 3 View
Hello, I am designing a spiral antenna with an Edge feed. This antenna has 5 turns. I got comparatively stable impedance between 2 - 6 GHz. But see little reactance. I am not able to make that...
19 February 2016 6,315 3 View
I am trying to plot Gain vs frequency plot in HFSS. but when i generate the plot, all the points come shown on only one frequency which is centre frequency of my design 2.4 GHz. It looks like all...
17 January 2016 9,220 15 View
So, from the ground plane of metamaterial to the patch of antenna; the total thickness is 22 mm. is it too thick for wearable applications? I am trying to get as much bandwidth as I can get with...
01 January 1970 9,058 4 View
I need help with metamaterial structure , metamaterial patches which are broadband or ultra wide band. My need are to cover from 2 to 6 GHz.
01 January 1970 8,087 5 View