9 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lora L Martucci
Hello everyone, I wish to measure the total protein concentration of some samples but my standards are always bended rather than giving a nice straight line. I first tried to make the standards...
10 August 2023 3,282 7 View
Dear All, I am currently looking for a plasmid (or paper using a plasmid) of oxytocin to transfect it to cell lines. On Addgene, I only found viral plasmids and if I can avoid that, that would...
06 June 2023 8,633 0 View
Hi everyone ! I am performing acute slice Ca-imaging and I would like to register the fluo rate increase on neurons in response to DHPG( group I mGlu receptor agonist). Does somenone know if I...
26 February 2019 7,918 1 View
Hello, does anyone know a way to identify oxytocin neuron over the vasopressin neuron in acute slices ? I am performing calcium imaging in the PVN of mice with Calbryte dye and recording calcium...
20 November 2018 9,626 3 View
Hello everyone, By searching the half-life of vasopressin, it appears that there are huge fluctuations between studies... Some demonstrate that, in blood, the half-life is about 2-3 min whereas...
01 January 1970 4,421 3 View
Are adenohypophysis cells and other related secretory cells (such as gonadotroph) neurons or are they different kinds of endocrine cells? I often read "gonadotroph neurons" but I also saw a...
01 January 1970 6,094 9 View
Hello fellow neuroscientists and others! Here is probably a naive question but I am struggling to find an answer... Are back-propagating action potentials a common phenomenon in dendrites in...
01 January 1970 2,648 20 View
Dear all, Does anyone know the time needed for each part of the exocytosis process ? --> how long a vesicle (LDCV) need to come from the storage pool to the docked configuration ? -->...
01 January 1970 474 1 View
Dear All, Apart from ImageJ, which software do you use to analyse light microscopy images? To do basic things like colocalization analysis, measure of fluorescence increase/decrease against...
01 January 1970 9,570 3 View