26 Questions 79 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from João Lucas de Souza Silva
Assuming I have 3 DC-DC boost converters, and I connect the three in different sources. The output is connected in series and in a load. How will the behavior be? Are there papers for this?
01 January 2019 2,734 0 View
I would like to know how the control of optimizers in series is done, therefore I understand it is necessary to keep the DC current equal for all and to do the MPPT. Does the DC link of the...
12 December 2018 4,364 1 View
I will use sensors with up to 20A for current and 220V for voltage.
09 September 2018 4,770 0 View
If I connect two DC converters to a PV array, both of which have MPPT control, what would happen? Is there any work on this? PV -> [DC convert (1-MPPT)] Optimizer -> [DC convert (2-MPPT) - > AC]...
08 August 2018 3,518 0 View
This question aims to discuss and raise opinions on scientific inventions in the most diverse areas of importance to humanity. Write about your area of study and what inventions were relevant to...
05 May 2018 657 1 View
We always have a key phrase about the scientist we most admire in each area, what is yours?
05 May 2018 5,900 11 View
I don't believe that citation is a reliable metric, since there are areas with more papers than others, so more quotes. Therefore, in my opinion should take into account a set of factors as impact...
05 May 2018 9,654 2 View
This discussion aims to gather ways to prove success in the learning process, within a new moment of education with the advance of Industry 4.0.
04 April 2018 8,861 2 View
Hi, The semiconductor industry continues to accelerate the production of devices with new materials, such as SiC, GaN, GaAs, which have better characteristics than silicon. But what would be the...
04 April 2018 8,669 0 View
This question aims to discuss how learning can be defined and what are the secrets to guarantee success in the educational process in engineering courses, aiming the entry of the engineer in the...
04 April 2018 6,142 1 View
I realize that the evolution of the hardware in computers has not been evolving as in the past, I believe due to the limitations of the software. How can this be bypassed? What research highlights...
04 April 2018 9,166 0 View
How is the incentive for photovoltaic energy in your country? What are the results achieved? This is a discussion that can greatly help understand the growth of PV systems.
04 April 2018 2,450 1 View
We know that SiC is already a reality in the electric sector. But, in your opinion, what will be the main advantage of using SiC in electronic equipment related to photovoltaic systems? And what...
03 March 2018 2,605 0 View
Power optimizers for PV systems, has as emphase the MPPT. How can this help inversors, since some already have MPPT control? What technologies and concept are currently used in power optimizers...
03 March 2018 844 0 View
Indicate works where new methodologies for engineering teaching are applied. One that i know is the CDIO that has been implanted in Brazil in some universities.
10 October 2017 6,022 1 View
I have been working with some methods to predict growth in the energy matrix (electric energy), basically with time series. I would like to indicate other researches and methods used, mainly by...
10 October 2017 6,167 0 View
I believe that the main point of the industrial evolution is in the multidisciplinarity, where the professional has to have knowledge of several areas and technologies. Should rethink teaching...
10 October 2017 5,034 10 View
What ways to quantify the release of CO2 according to the energy matrix and types of sources.
10 October 2017 2,336 3 View
Hello, I wanted to know how best to identify a change in an image capture without exceeding large processing, eg i have a cookie captured by a camera has a certain pattern, it is yellow and...
08 August 2017 4,719 0 View
I am making a list of possible journals for initial papers publications and journals for final research results.
01 January 1970 873 5 View
This discussion aims to verify how industry 4.0 is influencing various areas of study. 1 - What is your field of study? 2 - What is the influence of industry 4.0 in your field of study?
01 January 1970 6,316 8 View
In his opinion, Industry 4.0 can contribute to the evolution of Power Electronics.
01 January 1970 499 4 View
In the media, we have several cases of problems with photovoltaic installations. In Brazil, no is different, rapid growth has created a large number of companies that do not have enough knowledge...
01 January 1970 4,244 1 View
I bring this reflection. Every day, especially with Industry 4.0, we see various applications of power electronics that help make the world better. How can electronics help revolutionize the world...
01 January 1970 556 5 View
This discussion aims to show how the world's investment in power generation is. In Brazil, the current investment is made more in photovoltaic and wind power.
01 January 1970 4,169 13 View
We know that the manufacture of electronic components has been reducing their costs in recent years. But what are the main challenges to facilitate the reduction of component costs?
01 January 1970 8,812 24 View