10 Questions 39 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Joao Paulo Rodrigues Marques
I would like to know if I it is possible detect H2O2 in Transmission electron microscopy through DAB and osmium tetroxide reaction. Doe anyone know if it is a possible to detect hydrogen peroxide...
01 March 2022 369 8 View
The number of ovules is associated to the number of seeds. There is any nutritional or genetic effect in determining the number of ovules in the ovary that culminate to the number of seeds in the...
26 February 2020 9,145 4 View
Dear Colleges, I was wondering about the best method to prepare plant tissues for cryosectioning avoiding traditional chemical fixative methods. I hear about cold isopenthane method as on of...
21 December 2019 6,856 0 View
I have some stubs of plant tissues that are gold-coated. I was wondering if there is a possibility to do EDS analysis. Does the energy of the K or L edge of gold affect the analysis of the lighter...
02 February 2019 3,648 6 View
We are studying two plant cultivars and we believe that the vascular distribution can have an effect in restrain the fungus between the vascular bundles. So, how to quantify or qualify the...
06 April 2018 8,206 2 View
I was analyzing several examples of plant pathogen interaction (pathosystems) and I was wondering if cell expansion comes first or second to cell division. Of course, I must considered that...
10 November 2017 8,600 3 View
I will start a work on plant-pathogen interaction and I want to know if biotrophic fungi can secret elicitors in order to modify the transcription factors in the host. I am reading some papers...
20 June 2016 1,779 5 View
I am trying to study living plant cell on fluorescence microscopy. Should I use PBSor sucrose? Do you have some suggestions? Thanks
09 May 2016 5,899 3 View
I am studing the ultrastructural interface between one biotrophic fungi and their plant host. I made transmission electron microcopy and I saw a physical interaction between the intracellular...
22 June 2015 6,255 2 View
I would like to promote a discuss if the recent global climate changes can influences microsporogenesis, microgamatogenesis, megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis. I was wondering, based on the...
01 January 1970 1,093 4 View