48 Questions 214 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Javier Luis López
Due to the shifting ocean currents, the planet could be thrown off balance, altering the angle of rotation, and even causing the axis to shift, plunging us into chaos. In reality, it doesn't take...
16 July 2024 8,905 1 View
Wind turbines extract a lot of energy, about 30-35%, that passes through. Now they are building a lot of them, more and more powerful. Change wind trajectory is easy, if a lot of obstacles is in...
13 June 2024 8,978 2 View
I must measure temperature and ion density of 3-10eV plasma of hydrogen and boron at 5-50 pascals As long as there are magnetic and electric fields, I can not install sensors inside The first...
08 October 2022 6,523 2 View
In a Z-pinch test using Pulsotron-3 fusion reactor, I have seen at high-speed camera that a pyrex glass generated a beautiful green light during some milliseconds after the electromagnetic pulse...
19 July 2020 2,707 2 View
I have seen approximate formula depending on density and if it is fully or partially ionized. I should add it to the excel table: Useful formula and excel tables for plasma physics V08 If there...
18 May 2020 8,028 3 View
I have read several papers about, but still I have not a clear idea. I have seen that as less density, higher plasma temperature and lower frequency the skin depth is higher. I think it can be...
14 May 2020 6,480 10 View
There are PIDs but usually only the Proportional part of the PID algorithm is usually used Mapping systems, as used in diesel engines But make a several layer PIDs is difficult. Map based systems...
07 May 2020 1,234 0 View
In a fusion reactor, after fusions or transmutations, some ions scapes at high speed. If a positive ion is ejected and a magnetic field is generated, then electrons would goes exactly in the same...
11 February 2020 4,040 28 View
As can be seen in the image at https://www.researchgate.net/project/PULSOTRON-500k-SE-500KeV-THERMONUCLEAR-FUSION-REACTOR in the project log, there is an image captured during particle injection...
13 November 2019 7,361 1 View
I must sublimate 1e20 atoms of Boron-11 in vacuum in less than 10 millisecond to give some time to the ionizing pulse before injecting to the confinement chamber. I think a pulsed laser should...
05 November 2019 288 2 View
I simulated for Miranda reactor the confinement of the >2.2MeV generated alpha particles, but unfortunately, only about 12-15% are confined. As long as the energy gain is only 12x times it...
01 October 2019 8,360 3 View
The energy would be stored in high voltage capacitors. Exists >800Mhz RF systems to be used in energy harvesting Also it can be used diodes and also high frequency power NMOS (up to 1000V)...
20 September 2019 5,232 3 View
I should need an absorption percentage plot for a theoretical antenna efficiency of 100% From 10-13Mhz it should be used a helicon antenna, but there are high-efficiency RF generators at 470Mhz...
18 September 2019 2,781 0 View
I am using a solver to reduce the simulations of Miranda fusion reactors, as long as it has a lot of input data and needs some seconds to simulate (I use C++ and 8 threads) My idea is that the...
02 May 2019 8,751 7 View
I have designed a thin torus to be filled with hydrogen or deuterium plasma accelerated to 80 kA. This is not a standard tokamak design that have only one confination coil. The problem is when...
16 January 2019 1,898 5 View
I have following design for the Pulsotron-500K Miranda reactor. As long as the SCR catode voltage could go under 0V, it is recommended to insert a forward diode between isolated driver A1 and...
26 December 2018 9,703 0 View
I where looking for elements that can absorpt neutrons without generating radioactive materials in order to be used in future Pulsotron reactor installations, and I found that most of them in...
18 December 2018 4,890 3 View
To generate a high power discharge usually a capacitor over a coil is done, but to make it at high power a great capacitor must be used and as long that frequency is inverse proportional to square...
30 October 2018 6,138 16 View
Capacitor capacitance depends on area, so electrolytic ones uses systems to increase the area but they must be polarized. Commercial thermal radiators usually are made of anodized aluminium In...
05 October 2018 3,715 1 View
After making fusion there are two ways to recover part of the electricity: one is magnetics, other electrostatics and the third is using a similar system that fission reactors but perhaps at...
18 January 2018 7,506 6 View
I need to do that in my design and I do not know if it is done before. My experience was about installed small Rogowski antenna coils in the Pulsotron-1B but it was a bad idea because it was...
10 January 2018 4,444 0 View
I have to discharge some kiloamps from a capacitor through an inductor by using two SCRs or thyristors in triac configuration, but I should need to be sure maximum dv/dt and di/dt current is not...
07 January 2018 6,714 12 View
I have to inject a small amount of deuterium in the pulsotron reactor chamber, I calculated that I should use two high speed electrovalves and gas expanders but still the accuracy is not...
27 December 2017 5,536 0 View
Pulsotron-500K SE is open now until Jan31 to everyone that want participate in it! The goal is to reach ignition by not heating electrons anymore in a nuclear fusion reactor.
14 December 2017 2,803 6 View
I need deviate a current of 400keV plasma. If I use a perpendicular magnetic field I would deviate electrons to one side in a circular manner and ions in the opposite, I should like deviate them...
12 December 2017 4,422 2 View
I have to measure current due positive ions with respect negative ones but I can not use a magnetic field to measure them. The system consist on a high density plasma thruster working over 50kV
25 February 2015 7,500 11 View
As can be seen in the attached picture, the toroidal coils produces a magnetic field parallel to the tokamak torus circular axis Bx. The poloidal coils produces vertical magnetic field By, then...
26 November 2014 7,730 15 View
I would like to know what is the optimum magnetic profile in a plasma confined in a straight cylinder with magnetic mirrors. The main problem is that coils are separated too much is that the...
06 November 2014 5,071 7 View
It will be installed as two switches in parallel. Every switch must switch ON/OFF with an accuracy of 2 microseconds, the current will flow in both directions.It must be switched ON and OFF at...
29 October 2014 7,780 7 View
I read articles that said that graphene is a superconductor that would revolutionize the world. I need some sheets of that, but commercial graphene specifications are >16 ohms "squared", so a...
18 October 2014 1,611 7 View
Inductance of a coil is calculated according to the attached formula (1), where Mij is the mutual inductance between loops. (Mutual inductance can be calculated using different methods, as example...
13 October 2014 9,228 6 View
In the reaction D+Li6 it is obtained He4+22.5Mev or Li7 + H+4.5 or 3.5Mev. What is the angular distribution of the output particles (He or H) with respect initial D direction?
07 October 2014 1,837 5 View
I should need the tables in barns or similar with respect incident energy between 0.3 to 3 MeV range in order to help in calculus.
22 September 2014 2,757 11 View
The switch must deliver the energy stored in 50kV capacitors. I would place some of them in parallel to obtain 0.5-2 Megaamps.We could use a trigatron but I do not know if it would work well with...
05 September 2014 6,401 8 View
The tabulated data (Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data EXFOR) of nuclear reactions are obtained by bombardment of targets using ions. Ions has not electrons and can be repulsed from the target, so...
03 September 2014 2,909 11 View
D+D reaction generates 14MeV neutrons that scapes from the reactor loosing its energy that could perform more useful chain reactions. The neutrons damages also the reactor container and generates...
01 September 2014 9,657 4 View
I have the plasma emission due Bremsstrahlung one and I have also the Stefan Boltzman one. I have added them to the following excel table: See at the attached document "Fisica" sheet, formula...
29 August 2014 9,095 7 View
I have high undesirable high ultrasound levels in high power DC/DC converters ferrite. The generated ultrasounds damages the PCB and its components. It would be interesting if the ferrite builders...
11 July 2014 6,888 2 View
I have to decide in what countries I have to present a patent. The patent is related to an industrial system to be used in infrastructures. The patent office is a register office where you claim...
17 June 2014 5,637 6 View
I did a drilling test using a 4kW infrared laser. The problem was that at the beginning it drills very well (see the left part of the attached photo), but after 20mm it stops drilling and...
02 June 2014 6,903 18 View
Recently unprecedented high power capacitors were built and tested. A capacitor can deliver more than 10 mega amp to a test sample. The resonance frequency goes over 2 gigahertz and can be...
21 May 2014 6,298 11 View
I would add it to the next Excel table to upload it to ResearchGate.
19 May 2014 4,025 5 View
We need to measure the efficiency of an electrode-less magnetic plasma thruster. We compressed neutral ionized gas with 30 Megawatt injection during 150 microseconds. In the Pulsotron-2 May test...
05 May 2014 9,497 2 View
According to Stefan Boltzmann Pout=e*s*A*T^4. The greatest part of emissivity is due to the electrons temperature. If the plasma density is very low the emissivity must be low also because there...
21 April 2014 4,105 6 View
We can obtain the fusion rate by using cross section, ion density, and speed. The cross section is calculated using particle accelerators. Heating to 25keV plasma is not the same than throwing...
21 April 2014 8,866 4 View
Accordingly following plasma inductance formula, the inductance is proportional to meters that can be true, BUT I do not understand that the inductance is directly proportional with squared radius...
07 April 2014 358 7 View
Some years ago I used some Rogowski coils but I had a problem because the PTFE coating were burned in very few tests. Now the input power is 5 times greater so the problem must be worse. What kind...
22 March 2014 792 7 View
The breakdown voltage is defined by the Paschen equation and graph. The ionization percentage is defined by the Saha equation (and other mechanisms). However, the Paschen theory only works up to...
01 January 1970 8,989 0 View