Some years ago I used some Rogowski coils but I had a problem because the PTFE coating were burned in very few tests. Now the input power is 5 times greater so the problem must be worse. What kind of coating could I use?
There are some ceramic coatings. See Some are paint on but the better ones are plasma coated. In some configurations you can screen the coil from the plasma with a slotted metal screen. The slot can be very thin but must be in the toroidal direction to permit the magnetic field to penetrate; i.e. the plasma return current flows in the screen.
We use a boron nitride coating over a probe in the edge of our tokamak plasma. In the probe region, we estimate our plasams are around 20eV for up to 10ms at most. Not sure how much power you're putting in, but BN will definitely do better than PTFE. Plus the low-Z should be less harmful for your plasmas if it does sputter or ablate.