32 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hiba al-adhami
Hello all , I am wonderring if there is any way to extract the MATLAB code for the ANN trained by using nntool in MATLAB. Please, could any MATLAB user assist me to do so? Thanks, Hiba
12 December 2016 3,111 0 View
Nice Greeting, Could you Please assist me to figure out why could not find the DAQ assisstant in the lab view input, however I install the DAQmx that compatible with the labview version 2015 ? I...
12 December 2016 7,359 2 View
Nice Greeting , I have four vectors each one has different length how could I get the average of these vectors in MATLAB? Thanks in advance
04 April 2016 9,164 9 View
Nice Greeting, I have many odb files, and for each file I have to extract the results(time vs acceleration ) report for specific points in my model... I wonder if there is a way could accelerate...
04 April 2016 4,649 3 View
Nice Greeting, I have four curves with different number of points because each curve was calculated according to special condition ... how could I calculate the average of these four curves,...
04 April 2016 7,223 5 View
Nice Greeting , I am confused about the Elastic modulus unite that I have to use in my ABAQUS model where its dimensions in "mm" and its density "Kg/mm3" should I use modulus of elasticity in...
12 December 2015 5,664 13 View
Nice Greeting, I am trying to write a MATLAB code for cpsd ,but I could not figure out what does nfft mean....could you please assist me to understand how could get nfft for the data...
12 December 2015 3,044 2 View
Nice Greeting, could you please assist me to understand how could calculate the fs (sampling frequency ) in the cpsd MATLA Bcode? thanks in advance
12 December 2015 5,400 1 View
Nice Greeting, I need to simulate air layer in ABAQUS could you please assisst me to figure out how could I do that? what parameters need to be input ? Thanks in advance, and I appreciate any...
11 November 2015 4,148 2 View
Nice Greeting, I am a new ABAQUS user, could you please assist me to figure out how could visualize the out put data in acrostic media (POR) ? Thanks in advance Hiba,
11 November 2015 1,884 4 View
Nice greeting, could you please help me to figure out how could write a MATLAB code for dispersion curve of the surface wave? Thanks Hiba
11 November 2015 5,732 8 View
Nice Greeting I am trying to simulate the absorbing boundary (infinite element) in ABAQUS and I use a keywords to write my input file, but I got an error message that the number of element to be...
10 October 2015 10,082 3 View
Nice Greeting.... I am try to sweep a part of the mesh, and then use that mesh as a tamplet to write the input file and generate the mesh by using the ABAQUS keywords, but I faced a problem that...
10 October 2015 6,140 1 View
Nice greeting, I have a model but I could not figure out what is the unit was used during created that model... could you please explain from where could know what is the unites are...
09 September 2015 2,687 8 View
Nice Greeting, I am try to get a results for a node that have specific distance from the edge of my model, but I could not figure out how could set that node with specific distance? could you...
09 September 2015 9,826 7 View
Nice Greeting, could you please assist me to figure out how could increase the number of out put point for the time history curve (velocity vs time curve) that obtain by Aaqus software? thanks...
09 September 2015 8,703 1 View
Nice greeting, How could I simulate an absorbing boundary condition in ABAQUS ? Thanks
09 September 2015 6,185 7 View
Nice Greeting, I got an error massage " the infinite element have to share a complete face of one and only one other non-finite element" could you please assist me to figure out why I got that...
09 September 2015 2,431 0 View
Nice Greeting, could you please assist me to figure out how could applied the GA in MATLAB? Thanks in advance Hiba,
08 August 2015 3,812 4 View
Nice Greeting, I have a time history data and I try to use this data to get a spectrum by using FFT function in MATLAB. could you please assist me to figure out how could I use this function...
07 July 2015 5,156 7 View
Nice greeting I'm trying to simulate the surface wave (impact load ) by using ABAQUS program. could you please assist me to do so? I appreciate
07 July 2015 8,709 9 View
Nice greeting How could get the dispersion curve for a signal if we have the time history of the two receivers by using MATLAB software? Thanks in advance
05 May 2015 2,928 0 View
Nice Greeting I am trying to get the dispersion curve for the SASW test data by using MATLAB program could you please assist me to figure out how could do it? Thanks in advance hiba,
05 May 2015 1,006 1 View
Nice Greeting , I am trying to simulate a pavement layered section by ABAQUS. I wonder how I could create a bonded or interface between the layers? thanks in advance
04 April 2015 7,300 5 View
Nice Greeting, I am trying to simulate a dynamic load applied on the soil surface, but I could not figure out how to simulate the sensor that will capture the wave due to the dynamic load. Could...
04 April 2015 7,377 1 View
I am trying to find a link that I could install the latest version of ABAQUS version on my PC, could you please assist me to figure out from where I could free download from SIMULIA website?
03 March 2015 10,044 1 View
I am trying to simulate a model with malty material, I wonder if we have to simulate the interface between these materials in ABAQUS, if yes, how could we?
03 March 2015 3,315 1 View
When I tried to analyse any model even a simple model by Abaqus software I got the same error that I mentioned please could assist me?
03 March 2015 8,761 7 View
Hi, I need a reference that explains different material behavior besides its physical properties I need that to create a model in ABAQUS software. Thanks in advance
03 March 2015 5,880 7 View
Nice Greeting, I try to figure out how I could apply a load (ex: concentrated load) on a specific point of ABAQUS model surface.... could you please assist me to know how to do that? Thanks in...
03 March 2015 3,752 2 View
Nice Greeting, when I created a model I did mistake, and I could not undo to retain back to the right action, could you please assist me to figure out from where I do the undo and redo?
03 March 2015 6,666 4 View
Nice Greeting, I try to simulate a clay soil layer for geotechnical problem by using ABAQUS. I select Mohr-Columb plasticity for (material __mechanical), when I submit the job, I got an error...
03 March 2015 7,441 2 View