25 Questions 424 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hans van Leunen
Then look at this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7qZd2dG8uI This was produced by coupling two goggles together and slowly lowering the temperature. The picture shows the electrons that...
26 April 2023 9,740 1 View
Observing our living environment learns that some of the objects in the universe behave in chaos, while other objects apparently behave according to well-established rules. Often the...
23 March 2023 1,761 13 View
Why don't physicists promote the mixture of solar panels that work maximally half of the day and wind turbines that spoil the horizon and collapse after thirty years in a dangerous and...
22 February 2023 4,892 4 View
In a continuum, all converging series of locations ends in a limit that belongs to the continuum. The definition of change uses the limit of a converging series of locations. Change can be...
22 January 2022 3,998 8 View
The Big Bang is a singularity. The universe is a dynamic continuum that can be described by field equations that are described by a quaternionic function, which uses a quaternionic number system...
10 January 2022 7,999 2 View
Each elementary particle is represented by a point-like object that hops around in an ongoing hopping path. This hopping path recurrently regenerates a hop landing location swarm. On its private...
01 December 2021 1,193 9 View
The origin of gravitation, the origin of electric charge and the fundamental structure of physical reality are resolved, but these facts are not yet added to common knowledge. Also the structure...
10 October 2019 2,461 20 View
The Hilbert Book Model is a read-only repository for the dynamic geometric data that describe the live story of the elementary particles that exist in the universe. These data describe an ongoing...
30 December 2018 543 1 View
The Hilbert Book Model places elementary particles on their own private platform, which is a quaternionic separable Hilbert space that owns a private parameter space and contains an operator that...
25 October 2018 7,745 6 View
The universe must expand otherwise temporary local deformations would not perceive as attractive. The same mechanism that locally pumps volume into the field, will expand that field. The local...
12 March 2018 7,830 3 View
A photon can travel many light years through empty space and after that trip it can still be detected by a human eye. An electromagnetic wave requires a powerful transmitter and huge receiving...
05 February 2018 7,188 21 View
Gravity describes the deformation of our living space, which is a continuum that can be deformed and can be vibrated. Some vibrations deform temporarily. Others don't. Vibrations that deform the...
14 December 2017 2,467 2 View
These super-tiny shock fronts are triggered by point-like actuators. One-dimensional pont-like actuators cause one dimensional shock fronts. These shock fronts carry a standard bit of energy....
16 October 2017 1,735 3 View
Clamps are spherical shock fronts that each carry a standard bit of mass. Warps are one-dimensional shock fronts that each carry a standard bit of energy. Both are solutions of homogeneous second...
26 September 2017 1,177 5 View
The fact that elementary fermions bind into modules, makes them elementary modules. In contrast, elementary bosons do not bind into modules. Still, both elementary particle types feature mass and...
12 August 2017 5,191 6 View
The Green's function of a continuum in isotropic conditions has a very simple shape. It declines as 1/r with distance r from the center. The spherical shock fronts that are solutions of a...
19 July 2017 7,598 2 View
First, must be investigated what this embedding means. Next, the existence must be proved for real number based Hilbert spaces. Subsequently, the prove must be given for complex number based...
28 March 2017 4,740 0 View
For example, the orthomodular lattice extends into a separable Hilbert space because the set of closed subspaces of this Hilbert space is lattice isomorphic to the orthomodular lattice. This...
27 March 2017 2,009 2 View
The foundation of physically reality is necessarily very simple and quite probably its structure cannot observed. But recently I came to the conclusion that the signature of this foundation can be...
24 July 2016 9,967 23 View
The generalized Stokes theorem generalizes both Stokes theorem and the divergence theorem to multiple dimensions. This should include quaternionic manifolds. which are manifolds that are...
12 December 2015 2,227 6 View
Dirac introduced the bra-ket notation that strongly popularized the usage of Hilbert spaces. The bra’s and ket’s ease the handling of Hilbert vectors and the usage of the inner products of these...
16 November 2015 4,521 10 View
Physical reality can be observed. At least part of the structure and behavior of physical reality is perceivable. Humans can communicate about these experiences. Curious humans want to comprehend...
01 January 1970 2,823 4 View
01 January 1970 8,656 1 View
Mainstream theoretical physics applies the stationary action principle to derive Lagrangian equations. This cannot explain the origin of electrical charges and cannot explain the shortlist of...
01 January 1970 4,979 9 View
1 Abstract In physics, the begin of the universe poses interpretation problems. This can be resolved by restricting the range of proper time to a subset of the range of events. 2 Physical...
01 January 1970 494 8 View