The Hilbert Book Model places elementary particles on their own private platform, which is a quaternionic separable Hilbert space that owns a private parameter space and contains an operator that manages the footprint of the particle in its eigenspace. The platform floats with the geometric center of its parameter space over the parameter space of a background platform. That background platform is a separable Hilbert space, which is embedded into a non-separable quaternionic Hilbert space. A dedicated operator in this embedding platform manages a continuum eigenspace that acts as the field, which represents the universe. At each progression instant, each floating platform injects a little bit of volume into the embedding field. The injected volume spreads over the field and thus deforms the field around the injection location. The deformation quickly fades away. Still, the injected volume expands the field.

The field contains black holes. Injected volume cannot leave the boundary of the black hole. The floating platforms of the elementary particle can only inject volume into the black hole when the trigger location of the injection hovers over this region. The part of the platform that stays out of the border of the black hole injects in space where the injected volume can spread freely. If the center of the platform cannot pass the border, then the platform stays at this border and the border of the black hole gets filled with these platforms. Injections inside the border increase the radius of the black hole. This makes room for the attachment of more elementary particles. Further outside of the border of the black hole the elementary particles can form hadrons, atoms and molecules. This is governed by special stochastic processes, whose activity is inhibited at the inside of the border. The active border is characterized by the entropy of the black hole. Inside the black hole only mass characterizes the properties of the Schwarzschild black hole. This story suggests that elementary particles cannot pass the border of the black hole. Only the injected volume exists inside the border.

See: Mass and Field Deformation in

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