33 Questions 70 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hakeem Niyas
In the first lecture of heat transfer course, generally it is told that with Thermodynamics, it is not possible to get the heat transfer rate of a process. But in steady flow energy equation (time...
01 March 2020 9,856 9 View
In complex numerical models having mesh elements nearing a million, its highly impossible for GIT due to time and constraints. So is GIT necessary or is there any alternate option?
18 December 2014 7,399 20 View
I am working on the development of a novel material as a part of my research work which needs the preparation of many samples / mixtures. Analyzing all the samples for the detailed physical...
20 November 2014 9,261 5 View
With the output of XRD, we can get any information relevant to Phase Change Materials of Latent Heat Storage?
20 November 2014 5,468 3 View
I am working on flow through porous media. Flow characteristics can be solved using Brinkman Equations physics and Heat Transfer characteristics can be solved using Heat Transfer in Porous Media...
19 November 2014 4,061 3 View
I have a coupled darcy flow and heat transfer in porous media module in COMSOL. I would like to independently know the temperature of the fluid and temperature of the porous medium separately,...
15 November 2014 3,073 7 View
There are many research papers on study of flows and heat transfer through porous medium. Can anybody have (or links) some basic introductory material on this subject? There are many equations -...
13 November 2014 5,260 3 View
I have a workstation equipped with a Dual Intel E5-2650 v2 processor and 64 GB RAM. I am running heavy computational simulations which needs about a month for a single run. I heard that RAM Disk...
30 October 2014 7,538 14 View
For heavy simulations, it is necessary to see the results/solutions sometimes in the middle and after reviewing it, the simulation can be started from where we stopped. Is this option available in...
12 October 2014 1,686 9 View
K grade copper tubes are regarded as the highest thickness copper tubes in general. Is there any copper tube grade having thickness greater than K?
07 October 2014 9,609 2 View
Can any body share me some references which contains temperature withstanding data of concrete mixtures?
26 September 2014 3,128 9 View
I want the Specific Heat (Cp) Vs Temperature (T) variation of certain materials. Which DSC is accurate for this - heat flux (or) heat flow? What is the conceptual difference between the both?
03 September 2014 7,788 15 View
I am modeling a simple conduction cum fluid flow problem in ANSYS Fluent. Hot Fluid (say water) is passing through the inner tube of a 1m length double pipe heat exchanger having the solid (say...
07 August 2014 6,560 7 View
I have the DSC output file of a salt (that undergoes melting and solidification) which contains the time,and heat flow data.It can be converted to Enthalpy Vs time curve. How to do the same?
07 August 2014 7,841 6 View
I need to prepare a homogenized binary salt mixture from 2 salts. For getting a homogenized salt mixture, I need to heat above the melting point of the salts (about 350 °C). Can anybody suggest...
30 July 2014 1,989 2 View
Say I am using a K-Type thermocouple for measuring a temperature of 1000 °C. How would you calibrate that?
27 May 2014 215 11 View
Assume water flows outside the metal holder at certain flow rate. Is the above situation practically possible? Whether the lesser melting point material will not melt? Any body know some practical...
17 May 2014 5,662 6 View
The main hot fluid MS pipe line is 40 mm. I want to cool the fluid by passing the fluid through 3 copper tubes of 12 mm dia (brazed to the main fluid line) and water over the copper tubes and then...
22 April 2014 7,595 10 View
Consider a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with some no of tubes and 1 meter length. I want to find the temperature variation of the fluid in the tubes experimentally by finding its temperature at...
09 April 2014 9,106 10 View
nitf.HRef =...
05 April 2014 785 0 View
Please provide some examples if these numbers apply to complex profiles.
26 March 2014 5,523 4 View
I need vapor pressure data or calculation of vapor pressure for molten salts.
08 March 2014 9,853 1 View
I want to know in which applications we have to use film temperature and bulk temperature?
08 March 2014 6,898 7 View
We can use LMTD and NTU method for finding the performance parameters in heat exchangers when both the fluids are moving. What to do if one fluid is stationary/stagnant (say shell side)?
07 March 2014 6,276 5 View
I have a heat exchanger of cubical shape (say 1m * 1m * 1m) containing a material heated by means of a heat transfer fluid passing through the pipes in it. The surface temperature of the cubical...
07 March 2014 8,913 32 View
In certain areas, people take the river sand near the river shore for construction purposes when the water level in the river has come down. What impact does it leave on society and nature? Is it...
25 January 2014 9,724 21 View
I want to check the nature of flow in the shell side of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Hence I need to know the characteristic length of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger to calculate the...
14 January 2014 6,952 1 View
I want to do a DSC-TG analysis for a salt mixture. My question is how to prepare the sample for finding the melting point,latent and specific heat? Is mere weighing the individual salt and proper...
13 January 2014 8,246 2 View
I need to know which method will give an easier and good result for finding melting point and latent heat of fusion.
09 January 2014 6,610 3 View
For any inorganic salts, there will always be a difference in the melting and solidification temperature which I have noted from some DSC results. What is the key concept behind this? In salt...
09 January 2014 1,992 4 View
I know the velocity, inlet and outlet temperature of oil flowing through a pipe. Now how to find the heat transfer coefficient of the oil flowing through the pipe? What are the steps?
07 January 2014 1,762 9 View
Thermal expansion of oil has been considered by incorporating an expansion tank (deaerator) in the pipeline. Whether vapor will form while heating? Even if vapor formed, whether expansion tank...
02 January 2014 8,840 3 View
What is the major criteria in the selection of tube size in heat exchanger?
01 January 1970 4,733 17 View