23 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Geetanjali Choudari
I have thoi graph in which the mean % diffence is caluted between 2 signals can someone tiell me how they did it How to calculate the mean % diffence between 2 graphs?
03 March 2018 8,670 1 View
I for a way in creating a 3d smooth plot like a heat map with peaks in matlab. As x coordinate I have the longitude (gps coordinate) as y coordinate I have the latitude (gps coordinate) and as Z...
01 January 2018 6,127 2 View
I have the following labview program. I want to log the sample time for the entire measurement duration. I am using a Elapsed Time Vi to log the data for every loop iteration of the for loop....
11 November 2017 3,541 3 View
I have the following 2 files in xlsx format. I would like to have a matlab code to read in the data of both files and do a corrleation to chek how much similarity there is between them and if they...
11 November 2017 1,236 5 View
I did the cross correlation of 2 signals , yellow and brown. and I got the following result . What can I interpret from this. I see zero lag, so there is no difference in delay. But what about...
11 November 2017 7,241 0 View
I have data from 2 programs one lab view which is created by me and other is a power viewer plus program. I have written a matlab program which plotsthe data. I want to add the 2 graphs into one...
11 November 2017 5,226 2 View
Anyone familiar with Arduino or raspberry pie modules that can write and read data on an SD or SSD coming from a power sensor
10 October 2017 9,102 4 View
I want to measure radar signals on a ship deck with a power sensor. I want to chose between directional antennas and omnidirectional antennas? Which antenna should be better to use in this...
10 October 2017 1,324 2 View
I want to use a GPS sesnor to log the GPS coordinates in an excel file using labview. I also need to connect a power sensor to log his data simulateonly' So I need a DAQ device that has 2 usb...
10 October 2017 719 2 View
I have created a labVIEW program to read dat afrom a sensor, however i have some error in the reading. Can someone provide me soem help?
10 October 2017 3,788 3 View
Is there someone who knows a gps sensor which can work with a android 4.0 tablet and log the gps location
10 October 2017 1,287 3 View
I have data that's being logged into 2 loops in separate xlsx files. I want to combined the data of these 2 files into one file with the colums next to each other. One file has the data from an...
10 October 2017 6,625 3 View
Help: I am looking for a laBVIEW program that can show longitude and latitude information of my usb Gps sensor in real time?
10 October 2017 4,340 2 View
Can anyone suggest me an gps external antenna?, that can be conneted to an anddroid 4.0 tablet via USB and log the location coordinates?
10 October 2017 3,994 3 View
Reverberation Chambers: Theory and Applications to EMC and Antenna Measurements
06 June 2017 4,759 7 View
I am writing a description about a measurement setup using SDR, but don't know if I am describing it correctly. Can someone help me to correct it?
06 June 2017 1,314 3 View
What is the relationship between coherence bandwidth and data rate ? Someone told me the coherence bandwidth should not exceed the data rate, what is meant by this?
06 June 2017 8,168 0 View
is there a tool to write English sentences different. So tool that can make a formulation different?
06 June 2017 6,558 1 View
Is there someone who has a research paper? Preferably for frequencies around 700 Mhz, 868 Mhz, 900 Mhz.
06 June 2017 8,690 2 View
Is there so who has slides of EM Theory & Antennas slides of KU Leuven university or study material for antennas? I am looking for slides and material from a dutch university...
05 May 2017 7,098 4 View
For the calculation of the Average Fade Duration (AFD) and Level Crossing Rate(LCR) I need an matlab code that can calculate the AFD and LCR for different RMS values from -15 up till, 5 dB and...
05 May 2017 9,162 2 View
What happens with an electromagnetic wave if it has to pass an opening between EM absorbers that is less than the wavelength? And what happens if the opening between the absorbers is larger than...
05 May 2017 5,989 4 View
Compute the array pattern of a 1D array with uniform spacing d at frequencyf0, using cosine element patterns (in power, same for all elements) anduniform weights : d= 1/4 * lambda0 d =1/2 *...
05 May 2017 3,183 4 View