18 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Elmira Keramatfar
Hi everybody, I found already a few papers explaining the Gro-seq experiment. Since this experiment is sensitive and complicated, Can someone introduce a kit to make this experiment comfortable.
12 December 2021 7,194 0 View
Hi everyone, In order to do CHIP experiment, I used some lysis buffer and micrococcus followed by sonication to digest chromatin of the cells. I did all the process of cross-lincking, quenching,...
12 September 2020 1,472 3 View
Hi everybody, I am doing CHIP experiment. The problem is that in my gel agarose I see alot of DNA with big size (longer that 1000 bp) which means there is alot of unfragmented DNA in my gel. I...
07 September 2020 1,679 5 View
Hello everyone, I see a lot of papers with the spheroid generation topic. I know spheroids are used widely for simulation of tumor condition in body. Can someone say which abilities does the...
01 September 2020 3,493 3 View
Hi everybody, I have cultivated the C4-2 cell line in double charcoal stripped serum containing medium. A lot of the cells do not attach to the bottom of the flask. If someone has experience...
25 August 2020 9,831 2 View
I am culturing C4-2 cells in 15 cm dishes in different serumes of 5% FCS and 5% DCSS. since the cells are slow in attaching to the dish in DCSS compare to the FCS if someone has experience, can...
21 August 2020 1,728 1 View
Hi everybody, I wanna use an antibody to determine the presence of a protein in my chip-seq experiment. Can someone help me how can do concentration optimization for antibody which I use ? Thanks...
20 July 2020 9,798 3 View
can someone kindly help me to know how to prepare double charcoal stripped serum from normal serum and charcoal?
04 July 2020 640 0 View
Hi everybody, Does anybody have experiences like getting different lifetime result by changing magnification from a sample? Can this factor lonely has influence on the lifetime of a tissue? Bests
21 March 2020 8,907 3 View
Hi everyone, I currently did some experiments with a pig serum (notnheat inactivated), which the control negative of that showed bacterial contamination. As I have to filter it befor using and I...
02 December 2019 8,816 3 View
I extract the primary RPE cells from pig. As I see in several time extraction high contamination of bacterial in my cell culture flask in the 3rd day after extraction. Sometimes they survive...
19 November 2019 8,786 5 View
I did primary RPE cells extraction from the fresh pig eyes, but after 3 days of seeding cells the medium (miller medium including 10% pig serum and 2% penicillul/streptomycin) is looking cloudy(...
11 November 2019 7,369 3 View
I read in papers that RPE cells polarity is different for cells in 2D and 3D culture. In 2D as RPE cells atached to transwell from their basal side. As lipofuscin tend to be close around nuclei it...
22 October 2019 224 0 View
Hi everyone, Usually finding the sample position in bright field is easy but when we change the microscop to the spectroscopy setting, my sample got lost. Does anybody has a solution for this...
16 September 2019 6,756 3 View
Dear Colleagues, I have detached my RPE primary cells two times ( they were in MEM medium in 10% FBS serum) and now they looks dead. Does anybody have any experiences about several detaching RPE...
15 July 2019 5,806 0 View
I have an perfect optimized eye model simulated from a paper, but in this paper RMS of high order aberration is 0.054 micrometer, which I really do not know how should I introduce that to my...
13 February 2019 6,633 3 View
Dear colleagues, I have a revers eye model in zemax which I should optimize it to reach the paper mentioned curve of MTF( by changing conic constant of back lens and thicckness of vitreous) but...
08 February 2019 9,939 2 View
I am modelling a Phototopic eye system, which includes five wavelengths with different weights, in Zemax. This system should have defocus of -0.5 diopter (D). I want to know in a multi-wave...
31 January 2019 5,617 3 View