16 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Debaprasad Koner
I need to check protein expression in primary hepatocytes after some treatment through WB analysis. I am facing problem regarding amount of protein in cell homogenate. The protein concentration...
08 August 2019 6,172 9 View
I want to make PbO nanoparticle through chemical process. Can anyone provide me the protocol. Thanks in advance
09 September 2018 6,279 2 View
I want to raise primary antibody against my protein of interest in my lab. I need help to make it. I have full length mRNA sequence of my gene. Can you provide me any protocol to raise primary...
09 September 2018 9,057 6 View
I just want to check the expression of a particular mRNA throughout the different tissues (Liver, Kidney, Brain, Muscle, Gills, Intestine, Ovary, Skin, Spleen etc.) in a control/untreated fish. If...
02 February 2018 5,377 7 View
Why antibodies (primary and secondary) do not cross react with these protein? What chemistry is there to choose these proteins as blocking reagent?
01 January 2018 3,615 7 View
The same dilution factor of antibody doesn't fit for the endogenous and target protein. I am working on fish model and the primary antibody which I am using for catalase (CAT) protein needs...
10 October 2017 3,594 3 View
Dear Researchers, I am using Amplex® Red Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit (Thermo Fischer) for H2O2 quantification from cell. There is an option for Qubit but, there is no clear protocol for...
11 November 2016 7,009 2 View
I use StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System for relative gene expression studies. I follow SYBR Green chemistry. Is it advisable to use 0.5X SYBR Green Master Mix instead of 1X? Thanks in advance.
08 August 2016 5,397 8 View
I have quantified NO in different tissues of catfish (Clarias batrachus) using Griess reagent. I am getting very high amount of NO (>300 nmoles/ gm wet wt). I have followed the steps...
08 August 2016 4,756 1 View
Dear all, How do kidney parts (head, mid and tail) of fish differs in their functional aspect ? Thanks in advance.
08 August 2016 5,454 0 View
I have estimated Nitric Oxide from tissue homogenate by using griess reagent. From the standard curve, I got a concentration about 12 µM. I have used 100 µl of tissue homogenate. The protein...
01 January 2016 7,540 5 View
I want to assay the enzyme activity of different antioxidant enzymes. Should I use any reducing agent in homogenizing buffer? I have gone through some protocols for assay and the reducing agents...
01 January 2016 5,383 15 View
What does it actually imply?
01 January 2016 6,568 3 View
From the primary hepatocyte culture of C. batrachus, I am getting protein concentration in the range of 7-10 µg/µl in Bradford assay. However, in western blotting, I use to load 50-75 µg total...
12 December 2015 9,741 5 View
I want to check ZnO NP toxicity in fish. Before to give treatment, I used to sonicate the ZnO NP in water for 10 minutes at 30 kHz. What should be the best way to make ZnO NP suspension for giving...
12 December 2015 7,967 5 View
In our fish (C. batrachus), from the transcriptome data we have found several isoforms of the enzyme GST. However, following ZnO nanoparticle treatment fish shows a expression of only a single...
12 December 2015 7,241 2 View