23 Questions 46 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Biswajit Bose
I am working on DNA barcoding of two closely related plant species. I have used 5 marker regions for my analysis. How to calculate theta, theta prime, coalescent depth and minimum interspecific...
11 November 2016 9,854 3 View
I am working on conservation genetics of some alpine medicinal plants. I have used some dominant markers and co-dominant markers. I am unable to construct network tree by using Splitstree. Can...
05 May 2016 1,074 4 View
I am working on molecular phylogeny in the order level. When I am extracting the sequences from NCBI Genebank, I found there are lot sequences marked as unverified. For concratenation of multiple...
05 May 2016 6,485 7 View
Impact factors are playing a pivotal role now a days in the age of competition. Good work or high impacts....??? How many modern techniques or simple yet novel breakthrough ....???? New idea or...
02 February 2015 8,610 2 View
I am working on some plants from Valerianaceae family(angiosperms). I have already sequenced rbcl, matK and two inter-genic spacer regions. I want to amplify ITS1 and ITS 2 regions. Here,...
09 September 2014 3,900 8 View
I have already amplified rbcl, matk, trnl-f, psba-trnh and ITS regions of my study plants. Now I will be doing sequencing of those regions. I have purified those PCR products by Quaquick gel...
07 July 2014 8,940 5 View
I want to use Mr Bayes for Bayesian inference model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models (MCMC analysis). Which software will be best to convert the alignment files...
07 July 2014 9,325 4 View
Does colour and size of silver nanoparticles depend on each other? I used to get a peak at 430-450nm in UV spectra, but now I am getting a peak at 423nm. Sometimes I get double peaks (one small @...
06 June 2014 9,058 3 View
I am synthesizing ZVI using callus extract of my plants. After addition of extract I am getting somewhat greenish-black solution. Is it ZVI? In one set I am getting the precipitation also and the...
06 June 2014 8,904 5 View
If one gene is over 700 bp long then how to get the consensus sequence data from the raw sequence data? I have done the sequencing using both forward and reverse primers. Also, I want to know the...
06 June 2014 9,438 6 View
I got very nice bands with ITS 2 and ITS 1 in my study plant samples. I collected them from remote areas of India. Recently, in both ITS markers, I am not getting the bands. I have checked my...
06 June 2014 4,032 13 View
I am working on some alpine species. To date they are considered as synonymous. I am using rbcl, matk, ITS1, ITS2, psbA-trnH and trnL-F intergenic spacer. I got my first raw sequence data (trnL-F...
05 May 2014 9,555 14 View
I saw many papers that started with seed germination to achieve the in vitro cultures and from the in vitro raised seedlings they took leaves, petioles and apical buds for further multiplication....
04 April 2014 6,964 13 View
What is gene tree and species tree? if I am using rbcL, matK and ITS (as eg.) to resolve the phylogeny in a species complex, in that case what is gene tree and what would be the species tree? If I...
01 January 2014 706 4 View
Looking for step-by-step advice.
12 December 2013 8,488 35 View
12 December 2013 581 5 View
I am working on an orchid species. I have detected endoreduplication in the case of the mother plant and in in-vitro raised plants. Is that ok? Then, how do I measure 2C value and ploidy in that...
12 December 2013 4,674 9 View
I have done asymbiotic seed germination of an orchid sp and got protocoms from them and finally seedlings. I got protocorm like bodies (PLBs) from pseudobulb segments and internodal segments taken...
12 December 2013 2,820 1 View
If a plant has high genetic variation, it indicates that the plant has a high chance of adopting the natural environmental conditions and vice versa. The percentage of DNA polymorphism always...
04 April 2013 7,261 10 View
I want to estimate plant total genome size by flow cytometry. Are there any reliable, simple protocols to estimate 2C content?
02 February 2013 2,018 4 View
I want to amplify the whole nrITS region with universal primers ITS4/5 (White et al.,1990). Can anyone suggest any PCR optimizations (PCR mix and cycle) to amplify it successfully?
02 February 2013 8,371 4 View
I am trying to amplify RbCl gene with forward primer (Tm 54) and Reverse primer (Tm 63). But, I am getting primer dimers with different concentations of MgCl2 (10,12.5,15 and 25 mM). With 15 mM I...
02 February 2013 5,200 55 View
I want to estimate the total genome size of my study plants. These plants are found in the high Himalayas. Are there any reliable, simple protocols for the estimation of total genome size of plant...
02 February 2013 8,996 2 View