43 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arvind Kumar GOYAL
How can we avoid the accidental plagiarism that might occur unknowingly?
09 September 2019 785 17 View
Suppose someone is working on molecular characterization of particular fungus using ITS region. He obtained the DNA and amplified using specific primer pairs and went for sequencing. However,...
04 April 2019 1,509 40 View
Can anyone help me identify this insect?
02 February 2019 4,201 2 View
02 February 2019 3,357 2 View
Can turmeric be used as a substitute for the other comercially availble antifungal agents during plant tissue culture?
09 September 2017 1,944 11 View
Are you all aware of the JCR imapct 2017 latest release? If not here is the list
06 June 2017 7,670 3 View
Please help me identify this plant species
03 March 2017 7,926 18 View
A number of media have been formulated over times like Gamborg media, White's media, wood plant media etc but what make MS media the first choice for plant tissue culture researchers.
07 July 2016 6,408 22 View
Can anyone help me in identifying this fruit?
06 June 2016 9,898 17 View
On what basis the journals are classified to be National or international. Is it on the basis of Publishing country or some other criteria are applicable?
04 April 2016 5,538 4 View
Do you all believe language is fundamentally what makes us what we are? Please suggest.
02 February 2016 4,609 0 View
Why DNA has the affinity to bind to silica/ glass?
01 January 2016 6,352 0 View
Why analgesic activity is generally performed in mice models while anti-inflammatory activity in rat models?
12 December 2015 5,521 2 View
Is it better to be a research scientist in industry than in academia or vice verse?
11 November 2015 8,593 4 View
Don't you all think that fresh food is becoming less nutritious than in our grandparents' day? If yes what is the probable reason behind? Is it the way we produce and process food that affected...
10 October 2015 7,166 3 View
Is it Rafflesia arnoldii or Amorphophallus titanum?
07 July 2015 5,829 1 View
If Teflon doesn't stick to anything or nothing sticks to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to the pan?
06 June 2015 9,020 2 View
In most of the cases during Tissue culture the pH of the media is suitably adjusted prior to autoclaving. What impact does autoclaving have on pH? Does it increase or decrease and why? What impact...
06 June 2015 9,727 6 View
Which is more important in research a Question or an Answer? Please suggest.
05 May 2015 4,715 4 View
What to do if after years of research one finds that the PhD topic he/she has been working coincides exactly with someone else? Please provide your valuable suggestion. Thank you.
04 April 2015 371 4 View
Generally fats are associated with storing of calories in different parts of our body. Is there any fat which burns calories instead of storing them? Thank you.
04 April 2015 2,958 1 View
No doubt vernacular names are useful in identifying the plant scientifically but it is not always possible since a single vernacular name may refer to different plants in different area. Moreover...
03 March 2015 5,818 28 View
Water has been entitled as "Universal Solvent", but how far do you think it is true?
03 March 2015 1,192 10 View
Now-a-days, Biotechnology has ushered the era of genomics supplemented with metabolomics which in turn has given the opportunities of commercialization of biotechnological products. What are the...
03 March 2015 4,698 0 View
It is usually found that the reducing power assay is concentration dependent and increases with increase in concentration. However in my experiment taking different parts of the same plants (in...
02 February 2015 7,888 8 View
Different parts of the plants can be used for the isolation of genomic DNA. But which part is most preferred for DNA isolation and why?
02 February 2015 2,037 60 View
Different parts of the plants are used as explant for micropropagation. But which part of the plant is most preferred as explant for tissue culture and why?
02 February 2015 2,102 30 View
When do you feel that a research in particular field has come to an end? Is there any endpoint of research or it is a never ending process involving a team striving to attain new horizons in the...
01 January 2015 7,666 17 View
There might be some probable reasons for what and who inspired you to choose your field of research. Please share your experience.
01 January 2015 7,638 15 View
Today earning a doctorate may not be as difficult as it was years ago. Before a researcher used to work for years and study day and night to obtain the prestigious prefix 'Dr.' but now a days...
01 January 2015 4,677 10 View
We all do research with a notion that will benefit our society in one way or the other. I believe that though my research might not have a direct impact on society now, but it may in the...
01 January 2015 2,697 0 View
Today the terminology "Rich in antioxidants" has been easily equated in the public mind with "beneficial". Are all plants rich in such antioxidants or here also exception do exists? If the...
12 December 2014 8,353 21 View
Suppose you wrote an article, submitted it to a peer review journal, and waited for the decision. You final receive that long-awaited letter and its a rejection! What next? Should you tank that...
12 December 2014 6,170 6 View
Please find attached herewith the photograph for you kind perusal. Thanking you in anticipation.
12 December 2014 6,511 10 View
There are quite a number of methods to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activities. Can you please suggest me the best and the most effective method?
12 December 2014 448 15 View
It is a well known now that almost all the plants has antioxidant activity. However the extent of the activity may vary to a considerable extent depending upon the species. Is it ration to say...
12 December 2014 5,689 3 View
It is now well known that citation counts are important to judge one's research activity. Is it good to cite one's previous works? Will it be viewed as an act of advertisement or self-promotion?
12 December 2014 6,088 2 View
I want to quantify the proanthocyanidin content in my plant extracts using colorimetric method or spectrophotometry. Can anyone suggest me a suitable protocol for the same? Thanking you in...
11 November 2014 8,820 7 View
This is a bamboo species encountered in Kokrajhar District, BTAD, Assam, India. I failed to identify the species. Can anyone help me in this regards? Please find attached herewith the photograph...
10 October 2014 5,930 6 View
Can anyone hep me in this regard as our institution doesn't have access tothese. Here are the URLs Article...
09 September 2014 1,524 0 View
We are aware of the fact that some type of solvent is required for isolating a compound from herbs. I personally believe that water is the best solvent since mostly decoction is prepared using...
06 June 2014 8,495 96 View
Should the impact factor of the journal it is published in be important, or is it based on its citations? I think individual qualities of papers should be used to judge the same.
05 May 2014 9,993 6 View
I think a thesis with negative results is as good as with positive results if presented in a form which shows that the researcher has acquired the right skills for the investigation. Thus he/she...
05 May 2014 4,025 17 View